I'm so very SICK of your whining about my comments about YH. So....you asked and I deliver. The following is Yarn Harlot's OWN WORDS in 2008 about how she believes that Americans "take her Canada Day comments wrong"---and she wrote this post fully one year BEFORE I EVER said anything about it in 2009.
Get it? She had already been taken to task for writing remarks which mock or criticize America an ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR before I EVER SAID ONE WORD about her Canada Day comments. So read and enjoy. And if you don't believe me, read her 2008 "Oh Canada" blog post.
So, as Yarn Harlot sayeth: (and I quote)
"July 1, 2008
Oh Canada
Now, I really, really hate that I have to do this, but every year I've been given a whupping. Saying "Canada is a great country" is not a direct translation for "The US stinks". Being pro-Canada is not being anti-US. Saying "I love the way we do things" does not mean "and therefore, you do it wrong". This is a whole different country with different laws and culture. We will never be the same and that does not mean that either country dwells in the heart of darkness. Loving where I live is not bashing the US any more than having fireworks and shouting "USA #1" on the 4th of July (which I thoroughly recommend, since I think a country is only as good as the people who love and defend it) constitutes an attack on Canada. Thus ends the pre-emptive strike."
Then there's blah blah blah in the middle, and then she continues by mentioning Canada's disdain and disgust for our President at the time:
"74% of people consider President Bush a threat to world peace,"
and then:
"(PS. Sorry about this guys, so many of you are leaving such wonderful comments, but I'm closing them. I know that won't stop the private mail and I can live with that. Really, there's a few people that I'm just gong to save from themselves. For the record, although I'm probably going to have to type it a hundred more times, Canadians having an opinion about the country with whom they share the worlds largest trade relationship and the worlds largest undefended border is appropriate and necessary. The US is a superpower, and what happens in the government there influences the lives of people around the world. US economy down in a mortgage mess = Canadians out of work. I understand the urge to tell the world to mind their own business...but as long as the US has a hand in everyone's business, that's simply not a reasonable request. To quote Spiderman's Uncle Ben "With great power, comes great responsibility." How Americans vote influences the world.) "
Okay, everybody? Comments? How do you like the above part where she takes the US to task for "influencing" Canada negatively? TELL ME, since this post was written in 2008 and I didn't make my comments till 2009, TELL ME just who exactly is Yarn Harlot talking to when she defends herself against people criticizing her past comments? Um.....COULD IT BE....COULD IT BE THAT OTHER PEOPLE AGREE WITH ME AND HAD ALREADY PROTESTED HER PREVIOUS COMMENTS WHICH MOCK OUR COUNTRY????
I rest my case.
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»so...
everything she said is true
what's your problem?
you are an "idgit"
everything she says is true
and Bush was a threat
I wish you would rest your case
the more you write the more you come across as a moron
looking forward to YH Canada Day post JULY 1, 2010
ok You asked for comment
I sent comments
why are you not posting then hmmmmmmmmmmmm
If you thought Bush's actions - specifically his invasion of Iraq - were so great, why didn't you become an Army Nurse and use your "great" talents for the good of your beloved country?
sorry I couldn't slam ypu right away
I was in the shower when yopur latest hilarious post came up
I really do think your
get thee to a confessional crazy-one
Why Gollee Gee!!! Do I detect a little RAGE aimed at me--for being right?
And your posts about hating the way Americans think and how Bush was a threat only prove my case MORE. (And stop with the Bush bashing--he is a family friend.)
Oh, and I'm a moron, am I? But didn't I give you the PROOF you wanted? I only did what you ASKED FOR. You said you wanted the "exact words" YH said---and I gave them to you.
And about me working overseas for our country. I worked in Damascus, Syria, in the American Embassy. I edited the Embassy's newsletter, I taught English to Syrians, and I feel that my entire life was devoted to the US Government due to my parents' jobs---and the horrible anti-American things we endured---are MORE than one could ask for in the way of giving to one's country.
Yeah, I'm tickled pink at your angry responses! It means I hit a nerve! Hee hee!!!!!
my God you are too too funny
and too too dumb for words
so why did you say you need all this headshrinking and AA?
I'm basking in the warm glow I got from BEING RIGHT!!!!!! And now you don't have legs to stand on in your criticism of me.
Your true colors came out. You hated me when you thought it was just me complaining about YH and now you hate me more for showing you that MANY OTHER AMERICANS don't appreciate her comments! HAH!
Come on, keep the lovely comments coming! It's cracking me up. (Oh, and some of you have the most atrocious spelling, grammar, and punctuation...geez, did you drop out of school?)
oh suck it up you idgit
I don't think too many out here
think you are right or are enraged because you are right
which you are not
and you and your so called diplomatic family are not the only people (though I doubt it's even true, maybe in your small brain) to serve their countries
I don't give a flying fuck if Bush is your father
you know
I'm back to my original thoughts about you
some fat lonely woman in the swampy bayou with an internet connection
having weird thoughts and posting them for the fun of getting someone to chay with besides the alligators and swamp rats
you shouldn't actually drink that swamp water....
You just don't get it do you? AGAIN, liking the way your country does something is NOT a slam against the US. Canadian patriotism should be celebrated just the way you celebrate American patriotism.
While criticizing YH for her perceived negative comments about the US one thing but you have gone way over the line by criticizing her beliefs, her family, her hair, her knitting--even the length of her sleeves. Your attacks are *very* personal. This has nothing to do with your "patriotism".
Stop reading things you don't like. Focus on positive things in your life. I know you enjoy causing conflict but it's not good for you.
it's actually typos cause I'm trying to get my insults out to you as fast as I can
don't see any comments backing up your ridiculous claims any other Americans out there that support BO for president?????
we are the one who are laughing
and as for being right
being right about what exactly
you made no point just quoted her words which by the way are true.....
Hey, to be fair, why don't you remove comment moderation since you ASKED for comments?
rest what case?
all you have done is re write her post for her and proven nothing really
what she said in her post was true
LOL! Like I said, hee hee, I rest my case!!!!
Hee hee!
anonymous at 1004 has it in a "nutshell" forgive my use of the word nut that's a little unkind
she is correct you are slamming YH personally and you have no right
therefore you are getting slammed right back
the frustrating part is trying to make sense with someone who is so so so dilusional!
I think it's time for someone to come into the swamp and remove you to a safer place like say the Bush Memorial Hospital for the Insane in Texas
eww shes freaky weird looking too
that hair!
that's not your sister because that's MY sister
I can't imagine that person is too pleased you posted her pic on Twitter
poor homely soul and to be in a pic with Bush ewwww
Awwwww....what'sa matter? Did I burst y'all's balloons by proving my case?
I'm sorry! Really, I just can't stop laughing! I actually proved my case and you're all so angry now! That is my greatest reward! Your rage.
Because you wouldn't be so enraged if I hadn't been entirely CORRECT in my point.
Hey guys---I'll print all your comments but right now Blaine is taking me to Hobby Lobby and Jo-Anns Fabrics & Crafts to get me sewing supplies for my new machine. He's going to put together it's table today. So when I get back I'll print ALL your comments. Don't take offense because I'll print them all---after I come back from shopping.
Anybody can get in a picture with the President. There is no proof that:
a)she is your sister
b)she had lunch with him
c)that he is even friends with woman.
I know, I know...you're jealous as a cat!! And now, I've really got to go shopping. I'll get to the rest of you when I come home.
Bo, What she had to say about the United States President at the time (it was either bush or cheney, I forget which) was absolutely TRUE.
The bush administration turned the U.S. into a laughing stock around the world. YH simply expressed the same sentiments that many AMERICANS also expressed. Do not assume that all Americans were behind bush. Most of us were glad to see him go back to Crawford, TX.
Oh, so you can go shopping, but you can't make it to church? So much for keeping the Sabbath holy. Please stop calling yourself a Christian.
And your "experience" in Syria .. was that before or after your time of being a tart in a biker's compound? Before or after going to that imaginary convent nursing school? Before or after your decades of "road nursing" ?
First of alll, it is not YH's place to criticize our country's President. He was a hero after 9/11 but then unwittingly caught up in the war in the Middle East. He had to do it, due to things you would not understand. Since my family was very active in the politics of the Middle East, we know the "real" reason we went to war. You don't. But trust me when I say if you knew the real reason you would have been behind him 100%.
And as far as me needing to "concentrate on mentally healthy things", I AM!!! I happen to consider standing up for my country a GOOD, MENTALLY HEALTHY THING!!! I feel just glorious about standing up to somebody who mocks my country! It's what I was raised to do! I love my country and I will NEVER back down from an idiot who "thinks" they know what's what when they DON'T. YH thinks she's some kind of "model" for the rest of humanity with her bragging about buying a "green" car, her helping her children cheat on their pledges needed for a particular cause (she used her blog to ask for pledges, therefore that money had nothing to do with her children's work---thus making them win by an unfair advantage. In America we call that cheating. None of the other children had mother's with a huge blog following.)
And her nipple talk was frankly DISGUSTING. But since she's a doula she thinks she knows everything about the goddess female. Well I wasn't the only one who was made nauseated by that talk. So many people wrote to complain that she actually wrote a defensive and sanctimonious comment about it on her blog. So, again, I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE complaining about her disgusting visual about her stupid body.
And my adventures in Syria were before my biker days. I had to come back to America after our Embassy in Syria was stormed and we were all nearly killed.
And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass whether you "believe" my life's story or not.
You're just a few idiots who are ANGRY because I PROVED YOU WRONG!
(And oooh! I'm in a good mood over all the beading and sewing stuff Blaine just bought me!)
Bo, over 4000 Americans have died in the Middle East as a result of Bush's decision to go into Iraq. Since you think you know the whole story, why don't you explain it to the parents, spouses, and children of the dead Americans that bush tried to pretend did not exist?
If you think YH's comments are Anti-American, then you don't read much. Countries all over the world see us as a bunch of oil-hungry fools all because of bush/cheney policies.
The only thing george bush deserves is to go before a war crimes tribunal and be held accountable for his decisions...
How did you manage to pack .. what was it .. 18? 22? .. years of nursing "experience" into the 12 years that have passed since your "adventure" in Syria? In previous posts, you claimed there was an attack in 1998. Really? What day? (Or is that a secret that only you and Shrub know?)
I'm sorry, Bush is one of the most unsung heros of America. And America is rapidly turning against the puppet, lame-duck idiot who's running the country now. (Actually he's not running it--they don't let him do much more than make speeches---it's the Democratic machine behind him running things.)
But it is NOT polite for a Canadian to criticize the country which protects Canada. A lot of us think your government is stupid but we're not impolite enough to say it in our blog posts. Actually, most Canadians are more polite than YH. They don't criticize America.
But Yarn Harlot feels totally free to blast her negative opinions of this country loud and clear on her blogs.
But....BIG SURPRISE....not everybody agrees with Yarn Harlot, Canadian or American. But most of them don't want to say anything about it and "rock the boat".
But I am brave enough to say it. She's a bigot. Yeah, you heard me. She makes many comments that indicate being a bigot against MY COUNTRY.
And that I will never stand for. She actually made positive comments about BO when she knows absolutely NOTHING about him or the Chicago Machine he comes from.
She should keep quiet on subjects she knows nothing about because she shows her ignorance in so many remarks like that.
But why do I waste my education on you idiots? You aren't listening, you aren't checking for yourselves to see if I am correct, and you aren't seeing the forest for the trees. If I were a Canadian you would give more credence to my reasoning. But you, TOO, are bigots against America. You said so yourself.
So if I hear one more of you say you think Bush is a criminal or some other bullshit, I will print your comments but I won't read them.
Bo, I am 180 degrees opposite you politically. However, it seems to me the main point of all this, is that someone extolling the virtues of their home country should not use thinly veiled criticisms of another country to do it. I went back and re-read YH's Canada Day posts, and yes, that's what she did. It was right to hold her accountable for that.
The USA protects Canada? Really!
How typically arrogant of you. Tell that to the thousands of Canadian soldiers who have served in Afghanistan at America's request.
PS Bush is an idiot.
Good Lord, did you just agree with me, 2nd Anonymous above? I am thrilled. But not because you agree with me, but because you actually took the time to check my facts with an unbiased eye. That was all I asked of anybody. And then, whichever conclusion you came to would have been fine with me under those circumstances. Thank you very much for that. (I'm kind of speechless here....)
"2nd Anonymous" here...yes Bo, I agree. What spoke to me in particular, was what she said about Canada's having banned guns. No matter what my own personal feelings are about gun laws in this country , to me that was an obvious jab at America and really had no place in a patriotic list.
I think you are standing up to your nipples in swamp water
how does your sister like having her ugly mug plastered all over the internet with those two other dopes
speaking of lame duck puppets
I see the boyfriend took you out yet again to spend $ to shut you up
he could do us all a favor and nail the door shut behind you once he's got you in your bizarre bead room
are you going to glue fake gems to ugly wooden jesus boxes too
Thanks, 2nd Anonymous. There's a lot I could say about what I think about the US Government, positive and negative---and I certainly know that it's not perfect by far. And I could tell you tales about stuff we endured overseas that might help you understand my quickfire patriotism, but I won't vent to ya. It's ghosts of my past that I've spent a long time trying to forget--but yet it's still in my nightmares at night. But I do thank you for saying what you did, truly I do.
Anon #2 - Mentioning Gun Control laws in Canada is Anti-American? Seriously? That's one line in 5 years' worth of Canada Day tributes, which doesn't even mention the United States - and you think she's jabbing at Americans? Seriously?
There's a whole lotta paranoia going around! No wonder people want stricter gun control! The thought of mentally unstable persons being able to abuse the 2nd Amendment and stockpile their own personal arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction is truly sickening.
well that shut you up!
What is in office now as president makes Bush look like Tinkerbell.
I agree with Bo, the Canada day posts made me uncomfortable. I realize she was shouting her own patriotism but her liberal spew sometimes bothers me. to each their own, blogs are for individual opinion.
oh bo you missed a couple of comments...
If you write a blog on July 4 saying that you are thankful that you have the right to bear arms is that a criticism of Canada? See how silly it sounds the other way around?
Oh, BTW, Canada doesn't ban guns. You might want get your facts straight.
I am a reader and fan of this blog, and I address my comments only to the author, so if other readers don't like what I say and try to draw me into an argument with them, it's not going to work. Bo, I'm sorry to see there are so many ignoramuses here. I admire the direct way you deal with them. "Anonymous #2"
Thank you, Anonymous #2. You have no idea what your support means to me. I mean it--thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What does saying mean things about YH's hair, or her knitting style, or her choice of car, have to do with defending America? How does that make you happy?
BTW, the Americans fighting "over there" are MEN and WOMEN, not boys.
If you really believed in the cause, you could have signed on to be an Army Nurse, and served alongside the brave men and women - brave Americans like my husband. Why didn't you?
Bo, isn't it amazing how good liberals are with their hate speech. the hypocrisy is stunning.
hang in there Bo....
To the girl who said her husband is brave---yes, he is brave. Very brave. I was disqualified from applying to any branch of the military because of the psych meds I take and my psych history. Happy now that you know the truth? You want to know what guilt it causes in me? A LOT.
Hey, Maren! Thank you for your encouragement! It means a whole lot to me.
Yes, I found your blog through the YH "controversy".....and do enjoy YH's blog alot, as she is a talented writer, good human being, and funny.
I also enjoy your blog for its honesty, creative passion, and your "what you see is what you get" attitude.
And, yet, I find this whole thing.. now rather horrifying.
I have three generations who have served. I love the USA. I love the "freedom of speech" and all the diversity (freedoms)that comes along with living in a society as ours. I have never once read YH and felt anything but pure entertainment and goodness. But, each one's perception is their reality.
I do understand that you aren't well. I do not think people reading your venting posts and dislike (and I'm putting that mildly for your benefit) of the YH, understand that they are reading the writing of someone who is not well. I do not judge. I live with someone mentally ill. I don't like their attacks on you, for people do not understand the crippling effects mental illness has.
Having said that....I will not be reading your blog/twitter anymore, for I feel that by reading, it is fueling your fire, and I am starting to take your attack of the YH personally, for your hate/rage/judgements are too cruel for me to swallow.
I wish you wellness, recovery, and peace.
well we are certainly not in love with you
and i already asked you once
to take my flag off your fucking blog
Oh please... can't we be done with the YH stuff? PLEASE!!!
I get it... you don't like her, you feel you have legitimate reason not to... okay! Fine! So what???
And to all you haters and baiters of Bo... enough! You're not going to change her mind... she's not going to change yours. Just shut up already... find something new to do.
Bo, please... talk about knitting...
talk about your legion of shrinks...
your crazy cats,
your family,
your nursing,
and your plants, and whatever else happens in your daily life.
That's all interesting, even if I don't personally agree with everything that comes out of your mouth. Express yourself... that's all good, but please... leave this tired, tedious issue of the YH alone.
I beg you.
Cathy is right.
I like Bo, she is bright and talented but this is incredibly destructive to all involved.
It is horrifying.
I am disappointed in YH for following the nasty twitter account. I thought she would ignore it instead of participating in it, it just gives them fuel and they can tag along on her knitted coat tails.
I read her blog and enjoy it, but like any other blog there are things I disagree with.
I am sorry for the diatribe leveled at Bo. It saddens me that there are people out there who delight in being so destructive.
They seem to find pleasure in hatred and I cannot fathom such a lack of compassion or decency.
Bo, like the rest of us are just trying to live our lives the best we can. Bo at least recognizes she has an illness and is doing something about it. The person on twitter seems to be every bit as ill and does not recognize it. Hopefully her friends will help her stop this destuctive behavior.
I will continue to check in on Bo because I have begun to care about her, but I will try not to check comments or twitter anymore.
This is vile and simply beyond my capacity to understand that someone would intentionally make fun of someone who had illness issues.
It is every bit as cruel as seeing someone with a severe physical disability and mocking, laughing, staring and making fun.
The anonymity of the internet allows for extaordinary cowardice and cruelty. At least Bo signs her name and stands behind her opinion.
I am sorry Bo, I really am, you deserve more compassion than this. All of us do.
To those of you who are supportive of me---thank you. It means a lot to me, and I could use some support right now.
To those of you who are ridiculously hostile and cruel: You never even bothered to check the facts. What I put up on this blog post was the EXACT reason that I became disillusioned with YH. I would have dropped the topic a long time ago but was goaded on by your rudeness--so don't complain when I respond the same.
The reason I put up this blog post was because I have been crucified for a solid year for taking the stance I did. And one person even demanded "SHOW ME THE EXACT WORDS OF YH". So I did as I was asked and showed you the damn EXACT words---written a full year before I made my comments. I did that to show you that my opinion was NOT the only one like that.
And doing that proved my point. And pissed you off. I can understand. You thought that I didn't have a leg to stand on. You thought I was the only one. What short memories.
But I say too bad that you're angry. I showed you proof---and that's the way I am. I don't deal in hearsay. I showed you real proof and you couldn't stand it.
Again, thank you to those who did me the kindness of being supportive. I care about you a lot, and I have absolutely NOTHING against Canadians like some people think. I've told you before I have distant relatives in Quebec and Arcadia. Again, I love Canadians.
Ummm....I don't hink YH is following boso and bella. You can look on their accounts and see who is following them. she is not listed.
you proved exactly NOTHING
her words mean what
you are the one with the self proclaimed issues
so what about the time line and the names
why are you ignoring that
too close for comfort I expect
so anyway shut up already
we get you are crazy and can't figure things in the real world
have you begemmed a wooden jesus box yet
maybe that would calm you down and you can take it to church next Sunday
maybe you could invite your ugly sister fROM Washingto to come and do some jesus boxes with you
well we still
don't love you
stay the hell in Big Fork please and don't come up here
maybe you could invite maren too then have a jesus box tacky gem party and you could decorate the brownies with your meds so everyone who is dilusional could benifit
you could stick fake gems on each other
squee oh what fun
LOL! I'm giggling because the above 3 comments sound like 6-year olds on the school yard! Bad spelling and grammar to boot! Guess what? I couldn't care LESS what you think or write in your comments. Your anger only proves to me that I hit a nerve with this blog post. That is so evident that it's actually laughable! Don't worry, though, I still love you!
oh ya and stick some dumb fake gems on a jesus box and a pencil cup then gem the side of the house and blaines truck
them write another mental yet hilarious blog entry about how I have this fantasy about being held hostage at the ambassadors residence in damascus
then knit some more on the horrific piece i call the lrrh and post it for everyone to get yet another good laugh
hmm don't i have to fir in some therapy somewhere in there and right after that i'm going to knit something with camo yarn cause everyone love camo yarn then
i'll just sit my lazy ass down and wait for my slave to come home and feed me....
just another day on the life of bo
oh and must call mumsy
what's her phone number again
i forget i'll call and ask sis
Oh, Anonymous how very clever you are! You're right---they attacked the Ambassador's Residence at the same time they were attacking the Embassy. The Ambassador's wife and house servants were only saved because they fled to the "safe room", which is impenetrable. (The guards had run away--lovely.)
Alas, but I rejoice that you will never know such a fear, as I think our continent is safe from jihadists for the moment---but who knows what the future holds. And I pray that you will never have to experience such a hideously frightening episode. We were all calling our wills to loved ones on the long distance phone--or being witnesses to others calling in their willls. I called mine to Blaine, crying hysterically. To this day he teases me about it, saying: "Damn, I could have had all those Persian carpets!" (I keep my 3 Persian carpets in my bedroom at my mother's---it's decorated like the Arabian Nights."
Like I said....I'm thankful that you will never have to experience such a thing in your country--and all of us in this continent.
The last 2 comments I chose not to print. They were too childish.
You know what I think? I think you're madly jealous of me. All the things you mention are things that I sold in stores in Texas, and now I'm fixing to start selling here in Kansas. (But I won't tell you my brand name---you're not "worthy" to wear or own my art.)
Bo I want to address your commenters for a moment if you will allow. Guys I understand the urge to write hurtful things, you are offended and want to be heard. But please take a moment and think about what has been in the news recently about people taking their own lives because of bullying. Bo has been very honest about her mental health. I think we all have a responsibility to suck it up and act like grown ups.
Bo I don't like what you write about YH, and our world views are very different, but I will not bait or push you. This is your blog and you have the right to say what you want. I hope that you aren't continuing to send emails to YH, you likely don't need to because you have a pretty big audience here and you can safely assume that the message is being received.
I haven't sent an email to YH (or made a comment on her blog) since a full year ago. She does respond to my Twitters, though, even though I don't put her name on them. People figure out a comment must have been about her and they email her what was said and then she'll insult me on her Twitter, saying things like "somebody left the crazycage open" or something like that.
Anonymous E - yes, there have been numerous reports of cyberbullying in the news of late. And BO is the bully in this situation. That is why so many people have asked her to stop and re-examine her actions.
Once more, Bo, I am asking you to STOP writing such horrible, mean things about YH. You disagree with her politics. We get that. But your behavior has had nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with being a brat and a bully. Your attacks have been personal, unrelenting, and cruel. Your behavior has been anything but Christ-like in this regard.
Can you allow for the possibility that your self-admitted psychiatric troubles have clouded your judgment, and that you mis-interpreted the Oh Canada posts? Can you take a step back, and realize that you have brought this negative attention onto yourself?
Your hypocrisy is truly epic and stunning.
Um...Anonymous? I need to remind you that this is my blog and Twitter and I can write anything I please. If you don't like it, don't read it.
And yes, I don't like YH. And every now and then I make a crack. You act like it's a felony or something. I like to remind her that I am around in case she is tempted to make any more remarks that malign my country. For years she's been doing it, mostly on her Canada Day posts, but sometimes in subtle ways on regular posts, and I've only been on her case for one year, so count her as not receiving NEAR what she gave. The only reason she stopped making those remarks is because she knows I meant it when I told her I would get a signature list to ask her publishers NOT to sell her books in our country, since she seems to dislike it so much.
what a hoot!
a little pee-on like you thinks you can get up a list to stop publishing the YH
bwa hahahahahaha
I don't think she's very afraid of you except in a crazy stalker kind of way and for that I don't blame her
not that I think your pirogue would make it out of the swamp
I'm fixi' t get me up a list t get Bo off the internet
who'o y'all want t be firs
I don't think that YH has changed her posting style at all since last year. And I don't think that you'd really get a significant enough number of signatures to make a difference to her publishers. They really only care about how many copies she sells.
Why don't you two idiots quit bothering me? This is an adult blog and I don't need your toddler rants. You remind me of those idiots on those judge shows that sit there and argue over the stupidest stuff! Or you belong on Jerry Springer where you can throw food at each other and rip each other's wigs off...
Which one of you works for William M. Mercer, Ltd. in Toronto?
Ahhhh....peace & quiet at last.
not too fuckin' likely bo baby
it's just that I actually have life and went to do some stuff but i'm back
i see you haven't wised up any
whats a william mercer ltd?
I also see that hooded horror you're
making (can't actually call it knitting)
is getting to be a worse and worse mess
I do hope you will wear it out and about in Big Fork so I can pick you out
I also see that hooded horror you're
making (can't actually call it knitting)
is getting to be a worse and worse mess
I do hope you will wear it out and about in Big Fork so I can pick you out
God, jealousy has turned you so ugly and nasty on the inside. You're acting like a rabid dog frothing at the mouth. You are so jealous of me. You wish you were me. You wish you had Blaine. And you wish you had my rich mother and family breeding. You wish you had my education. You even wish you had my wonderful 4 therapists and therapy. You wish you had all my hobbies. And you wish you had my family connections with celebrities. Did you know I went on a date with a President's son? And guess what? I turned him down. Hah. You are so jealous that you're sick with it. You are are eaten up with it. It's got you down on your knees and you don't even see it. You just know you wish you were me.
But guess what? You ain't me! I am! Tra-la-la, and a ho ho ho to you!
you know I've been thinking about it and I don't think even two years will be enough of the therapy thing
I think you should sign yourself into a nuthouse for a nice lonnnnng stay
so how are the bushes these days is the plural of bush bushs or bushes
had any good bbq's over at the ole homestead lately
mumsy and sis well?
oh my GAWD!!!
I almost spit coffee on my laptop the laughter was so uncontained even my darling husband outside asked what was so hilarious
you little piss head
Do either of you work for PlusNet Technologies Ltd.? Or the Detroit Medical Center?
Don't worry---I'll figure it out. And then I might make a little call to the human resources dept.
gotta give you 1 for the sheer hilariousness of your comebacks....
which president's son, Eisenhower?
yes actually I do work at one of those places
what a good little defective you are and no i didn't spell it wrong....
Execulink Internet Services Corporation)?
you better not you little whore or I'll get in shit here
so how did you get out?
Gee....calling me a whore sure isn't a way to get me off your stinky scent. But I'm on your tail and I'll find you and tell your employer. And I'm going to make you wait....to see when I'll do it...just suffer and wait. I'm going to send them a letter with every detail.
oh please oh please bo don't
it was all in fun really
I I I promise never to do it again
please don't email my employer
oh my god what am i going to do now
please don please dont email Execulinc
Do I look stupid or something? You don't work there or you wouldn't be begging like that. You're so transparent.
What I think I'll do is mail my complaint to ALL of those employers and trust that I'll hit the right one. Hell, I will make a list of about 10 or 15 of the employers I suspect and mail them all.
I'll ask their internet department to see who has been emailing my ISP address.
Dumb shit.
awwwwww you are just no fun anymore bo
i hope it doesn't take too much time away from you fake gemming all of Big Fork!
heh heh
ok seriously now Bo
I do in fact work for Execulink
and really I would appreciate you not contacting them as it may indeed have a serious impact on my job
This has all been in fun and I think you enjoyed it too while it lasted
now that I'm found out (I didn't really think you could do it) I'm going to sign off
I'm tired of your shit and I don't want to hear it anymore.
so did you see the absoluely beautiful bonnet and booties in the YH 's blog
OMG just scrumptious
oh wrong comments box
my bad............
Of course I saw them. But I can't imagine her kids getting married---she's trained them to be feminists and guys usually don't exactly want to marry feminists...am I right or am I right?
oh you are SO NOT RIGHT
I am very anti-guns. I would not even allow my son to have a play gun when he was growing up - including a water pistol. My grandson is not allowed to either, in my home & I don't allow them to make "guns" out of other toys. Some may think that is extreme, but I feel that allowing children to play with guns is desensitizing them to the harm that guns can bring. I know that guns don't kill people, people do. But in my opinion, if there were no guns in the homes, there would be no guns for criminals to steal, so there would be no need to people to think they need guns to protect themselves. I am not against people having guns to hunt with, but I personally will never even allow a shotgun in my home. The reason being is that I spent a large portion of my childhood talking my mother out of the bathroom with my step-dad's shotgun. I just don't want to deal with it!
If people want, I am sure they can find things about each country to like, even the unpopular ones. Because no country & no person is 100% bad. But it doesn't help anyone for the hatred to be spewed out that has been directed at Bo on this blog. This is her blog & it can have her views on it! And I think people coming here should just learn to play nice or go home! Kind of like when Judge Judy talks about it being her playpen - this is Bo's playpen & she can make the rules here. And it is no one's concern how she does it, how she says it, nor how Blaine treats her, reacts to her or even her feelings about Blaine's family. Sometimes you just have to stop & that's what it sounds to me that Bo has decided she needs to do with Blaine's family. I did that 13 years ago with my own family. I am seeing if we can now have a relationship again, but it's still up in the air. There are certain things I need from them for it to be a healthy relationship & if they can't do that for me, then I don't need to subject myself to them. I think this is the conclusion Bo has towards Blaine's family & until you have walked a mile in her shoes, you don't need to be judging her for it!
This is my opinion & no one else's!
I like Bo, I like her knitting & I love learning about her from her blog. Having said that, I don't always agree with Bo. But a person not agreeing with her doesn't mean they have to be nasty either.
I am very patriotic myself. I haven't had the experiences that Bo has, but my dh & I do have family members who live in other countries because of their jobs & we have had & currently have family in the military. There were some mistakes made in recent years & not just by the US government officials, but I also personally think that if we had finished the job years ago instead of giving in to popular demand or opinion, then maybe the current war wouldn't be an issue.
People get annoyed at the US for being a superpower, but when they need us to help them, they are very eager to ask for our help. That doesn't give us the right to bully just like it doesn't give a schoolyard bully the right to bully. Nor does Bo having a difference of opinion with YH give anyone the right to bully Bo or to tell her whether or not she can have her opinions. Maybe YH has a right to take exception to them, but if she does, then it is up to her to handle it, not to have a bunch of bullies do it for her.
I had heard of YH prior to finding Bo's blog. I had not gone to check it out. I do find her knitting of interest. I have not read the posts that Bo & others have found offensive, but I haven't gone looking for them. I don't read the comments on YH blog. The main reason is that there are just so darn many! I didn't really find the post about breasts offensive, but I also am not one to think it is all right to nurse in public either. But I agree with Bo in that if someone is going to sell their products to the citizens of a country other than their own, they should not in any way offend the people of that other country. You can have your own opinions, but maybe those types of posts should not be a part of the site where you are also using the citizens of the other country to your advantage.
The rest will be in the next post.
Thank you, Cindy!!! And I agree with you about the war, definitely!
wowee look at cindy up on that high horse...
you should jump in the pirogue with bo and sail off into the sunset
spew and babble
drool and spit
oh yeah -- her baby bonnet. Trying to restate the gram weight so we American dunces can understand it, she actually said "isn't there anything smaller than an ounce?" Another dig at America-this time our imperial system of measurement-and it also kind of makes her sound like a pothead on a budget...which she probably is, since her books aren't selling anymore. Bo, I don't think you need to try to get her books banned here, because it's obvious that her book sales have fallen off. If she has another book in the pipeline, she sure isn't talking about it. I think hard economic times have smartened knitters up and made them choose more wisely - either that, or they just don't have $15 to throw away on a short humor book they can read in an hour, maybe get a chuckle or two and then forget. I myself am on a very tight budget with little money to spend on knitting books. And when I can afford it, I'd rather spend $30 on a pattern or design book that will give me many hours of knitting enjoyment. Her little niche market is drying up, and it won't be necessary to do anything to make her go away, it will happen naturally as her popularity wanes. To quote one of my favorite satire films - "the audience has become more, shall we say, selective". ~anon #2 (I try harder)
Cindy/KS, may I ask you a question?
In the first paragraph of your comment above, you say, referring to Bo, "But a person not agreeing with her doesn't mean they have to be nasty either."
I agree with that. So could you tell me please why Bo not agreeing with YH gives her the right to be nasty?
Thank you.
funny how you say you are going to post all comments then you do not but then you have lied before haven't you
Anon #2:
You just said the exact things I was thinking today. I had to stop myself from putting a huge answer to the ounce question on my Twitter. But I stopped myself since everybody's on my case so bad. And I thought about a month ago that she had a book going because she said something like: "Hmmm, what title do I give my new book?" And only one other time did I hear her say anything about writing when she said one day "I got my daily amount of writing done..."
Usually she crows like a chicken when she's got a book going so I think that this mostly silence about it means she knows she's on the way down. There's only so many humor books about knitting that knitters can stand. She was a flash in the pan. Publishers probably aren't pampering her anymore.
(And okay, I'm going to admit here that when she mused about the title of her next book I couldn't resist putting on my Twitter: "And the pablum goes on and on...." in relation to her trademark phrase on the top of her blog page.
Yeah, I know--that was mean. But I redeemed myself by refraining from saying something today, right? (right?) (right?)......
I do NOT want anybody bothering my friends. I mean it---LEAVE THEM ALONE.
After the classy remark I couldn't resist....
Like I said, disagreeing with someone doesn't give someone the right to be nasty. I admit, I haven't read the posts on YH's blog that all this hassling is over. But I do know when it comes to Bo's blog, no one has the right to be nasty to her just because she has said something you don't agree with. The same goes for YH's blog - a difference of opinion doesn't give another person the right to be nasty.
Now having said that - I don't know of my personal knowledge if Bo was nasty there. I do know that personal self-preservation would tend to make a person prone to being nasty just from all the attacks that have occurred here. It's a person's natural inclination to protect themselves. So I would think if YH wanted to protect herself from something Bo has done or she thinks Bo has done to her - maybe she would call off her attack dogs from Bo. If she is the woman everyone seems to think she is, she should handle the issue herself rather than sending others to do her dirty work for her. From what it looks like to me - she is using all of you to do her dirty work so she can claim to have not been involved.
jesus get a life for crying out loud
who gives a flying frig what some dork in Kansas says anyway
certainly not the YH and if she did I'm sure she could say so herself
you know your house looks like it could use a good cleaning
Thank you, Cindy! I will admit that I was nasty sometimes...but she was nasty back---she just tries to be "classy" in her nasty responses. I'm more of a "street talker" type and tell it like it is.
Bo - in my opinion, all the minions should let her fight her own fights! All the crud they have thrown at you just show how low class they are to begin with! The personal attacks, the name calling, the ridicule don't bring you down & they don't demean you in any way, it only demeans the person doing it.
As for the comment about cleaning your house - did you not read that she has been sick & in bed for several days? If like at my house, nothing got done while she was sick! And maybe, that just means also that she lives in a happy home - home being the operative word! Spotless houses are not always a home! To be a home, people need to feel comfortable being there!
I've thought about this last post and read all the comments and the Twitters, and both sides are coming off like children fighting over who gets the last cookie or who gets the seat by the window in the car.
The fact that both sides present their arguments with venom and name calling proves no one seems to want to have a thoughtful discussion. Everyone is all, "It's gonna be my way, or no way at all."
I strive to try and see both sides of the issue. But right, now neither side is appealing to me. Like those mud-slinging political ads that you can't wait to see end at the end of an election.
I have my own opinions on the Canada posts, and they do not agree with you, Bo. And that's okay, because everyone brings their own experiences in to play when viewing the world. However, I don't really think the fact someone can't convert grams into ounces means they're looking down their noses at someone (Anon#2). Nor, does it make them an "idgit." (I can't convert it. The US has refused to go completely metric for years, so I've never committed it to memory.)
The written word is hard to interpret. We cannot see a person's body language or facial expressions. We cannot hear the tone of their voice. All we do is judge what is written based solely on our personal viewpoint/mindset. What one reads as sarcasm or irony, someone else might take as being uppity or putting on airs. We just don't truly know.
As a person who has written for years, I've trained myself to "listen" to a person's written voice. I take the time to digest what is written and analyze what I've read. In this day and age of e-mails, Twitters and blogs, more people need to learn how to do this. I am dismayed by the trend of popping off the first thing that comes into one's head, being insulting and cruel because you don't have to say it to their face. It's a sad commentary on our human society.
I came here the first time to check out the hoopla from last July, because I wanted to hear the other side of the issue. As I looked back through your blog archives, I realized that you were bi-polar/manic depressive. I could see the build-up coming, and that your initial posts where you were ranting were probably the culmination of an episode. The fact that you removed the posts made me think that you were coming down and becoming clearer. I stayed because I found a kindred spirit in a person like myself who struggles with a mental illness and loves to create.
Bo, it's okay for you to have an opinion. It's not okay to be cruel or thoughtless, because that's not healthy. Same goes for all the Anons out there who are being cruel. And until, all of this B.S. (sorry for swearing Bo) ends, I'm gonna have to leave for awhile. It's too depressing for me to be here, as I struggle to keep my own mental health above the waterline.
I'm sorry.
Thank you, Cindy!
Mel, you are soooooo right. Yes, I do go "up" and "down". And also, you're right about facial expressions and verbal "tones"---most of my "mudslinging" or insults are actually said in joking tones or sardonic ribbing---but people misinterpret it. Not that I haven't been truly angry and nasty, but you're right when you say the distinction lines can get blurred. Lately the stuff I say is just to irk the dumbasses who are trying to "force" me into their point of view.
If you knew me in person you would be astonished because I spend most of the day laughing and having fun. That's because you can "see" what I really mean. That's why Blaine and I are good for each other. We joke-insult each other all the time--even in public. Sometimes I absolutely cannot resist a good "burn"---which is why I seem so nasty on the internet. It's just the "evil" me, but I'm not "real" evil.
I wish you could know me, but we're all spread out all over the world. That's a bummer.
Anyway, I'll miss you.
please pass the kleenex
the last laught is on you
OBAMA named his dog BO!!!!!!!!!!!!
The comments you receive are all in fire man :)
I obviously dont know you or much about your personal situation but I understand you have mental health issues. I wonder if possibly your medication regime needs looking at, you appear to be showing some classic signs and symptoms of a crisis and I do think you need to seek some help from your mental health team.
you say you were a child of a diplomat
you say you grew up in other countries than usa
you say you only returned to usa to go to college
you say you were involvrd inthe attack in sryia and you say you called blaine when it was your turn to use thelong distance phone to make you will
what a joke you are
so you are saying
that as a child in syria you called a boy you didn't know in america to promise him your persian rugs in a bedroom in a house you didn't live in because you lived your whole life up until then as an embassy brat
wow that's some really good story telling
so did you know blaine from birth by some mystery of the gods were you promised as children
it is so easy to catch you in lies
Guess he knows a good name when he hears it!
mel hit the nail on the head, as have MANY that came and tried before her. It doesn't really matter, you give the nice lip service to the ones who "care' and then just continue your nastiness. You may be beautiful on the outside but you a really ugly on the inside.
If you were so happy go lucky all the time as you say, you wouldn't need the umpteen mental healthcare professionals assigned to you. (or is that another lie?)
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
I son't think I had any idea how truly crazy you are until this last round of comments. The whole dated the President's son, YH reads your blog, held hostage, etc. You are one screwed up chick.
I've told you guys a thousand times that I grew up in the world of politics. Why is that so hard for you to believe? Did you think the pic of my sister & the President was photoshopped or something? I have pictures of my mother (long ago) with President Ronald Reagan. If you really want a laugh, I'll show you a pic I have of my father on his first job (waaaaaaay long time ago--I wasn't even there) as a Secret Service guard for a junior political figure visiting Brazil who later became a BIG polical figure. Let me go look for it....
Honey, that picture of the president "with" your sister is no proof of anything. It looks like a typical picture of the Pres as he walks though the kitchen of whatever hotel he is in. Give it up. You have made a big enough fool of yourself.
You're struggling to find fault with my life, aren't you? I have many pics that would prove everything to you but unfortunately they're all at my mother's house in Texas. So you'll have to wait a few months for me to snag them. But, I don't care if you don't believe me anyway.
Someone should be writing fiction & it isn't Bo! The one who has mixed multiple things into 1 event needs help with sorting out things. Read it again - if you read it really slow, you might even be able to see it is different events & places being mentioned. Maybe a pencil & paper would help you to sort it out!
so then you came back to the usa to go to college to be a nurse and miss mental-health cheerleader in the 8o's and on the weekends you were camp tramp for a bunch of guys with motorcycles
am I right so far?
i am writing to tell you that i have been commenting all along on your blog using all kinds of different names
sometimes i am sweet and hook you with praise for you artistic flare and sometimes i am the worst of your critics
it is to to easy to bait you and frankly i'm kinda tired of you now
you just keep proving over and over that you're some pathetic loser with a computer and a very vivid imagination
so i'm not going to be commenting on your blog anymore
your same ole same ole is dull
keep taking your medication and if your not seeing someone for help (another lie) you probably should be
i'll leave it up to someone else to torment you
have fun with your string and beads and bedazzler
a. nonny mouse
many people have written comments and caught you up in your own lies and some are totally taken in by you though for the life of me i can't imagine why
Anonymous---do you think I'm stupid? I've known all along that some comments are so-called tricksters (at least they like to think they are). I've known that some of the "praising" comments are simply tricksters playing. No, I'm not so stupid as to think every comment was from a different person.
But if someone wants to be nice, I will respond in kind, whether it's a "suspect" commenter or not.
And yes, I do have a lot of friends. I know you'd like for the whole world to humiliate and be rude to good ole Bo, but that's not the case. I have some very good friends.
And guess what? A whole LOT of people think you are an ugly pig who spews garbage out your snout. Oink oink. It's time for your daily feeding of slop.
Bo, I left two respectful comments here last night, one to continue the conversation I was having with Cindy/KS, the other to ask you to either post it or forward it to her.
I'm disappointed to see that you've chosen not to post those and instead focus on the hateful comments that you can either mock in turn or use to fuel the fire. You're choosing to maintain a tone of nastiness. You've left your friend Cindy in a position of making false statements based on a lack of information, and that's not fair to her. If you don't feel you've done anything wrong, you have no reason to hide my responses from her.
Sadly, since you can't be trusted to respect your friends the way that they appear to respect you, I have no choice but to go and leave my comment on her blog directly. She's wading into this fight for you Bo, she deserves honesty.
I've already warned her of your venomous lies.
Venomous lies? Which venomous lies? That there was a blog post by YH on July 25th of last year that describes your actions, and her response and the fact that she specifically asked people not to find and attack you? That is a verifiable truth. That while your comments from blog posts in January of this year have been deleted as you were advised they would be, other commenters' incredulous responses to their nastiness are still there? That is also a verifiable truth.
If you respect Cindy, trust her to make her own judgements. Post my responses and let her make informed decisions. I'm not suggesting she shouldn't support you, just that she has a right to the facts.
Go ahead---talk with Cindy. I have already told her you didn't even read my post right.
First of all, you wanted to tell her to read something I wrote in 2009. And my current blog post talks about THINGS WHICH OCCURRED BEFORE THAT, NUMBSKULL! I wrote about how YH was having to defend herself from accusations of being anti-American in her Canada Day posts fully ONE YEAR before 2009, in years when I had never even commented on YH's blog.
And another thing---yes, I did make one more comment on her blog when she made some other outrageous statement. (She thinks she's the grand Oracle, or a charismatic orator or something). So what? I can't even remember what it was about. So I forgot, big fucking deal.
And another thing. About YH putting on her blog post that time to "not email me" in revenge or whatever.
If she meant it, she would have gotten involved when I was subsequently crucified and verbally abused for months on end since then. EVERY MONTH since then. But do you hear her saying "don't do that"? NOPE. Because she is ENCOURAGING PEOPLE to do it.
And also, she herself has made Twitter remarks directed at me, disguised as "daily affirmations" with a quote or something. If you're so smart, how come you don't realize it when she's doing that on her Twitter page? She did it yesterday with a Pearl Buck quote after I jabbed her about not knowing amount conversions.
You are blind to her sins but my sins are in your crosshairs.
Bo, I don't think the name calling is warranted or helps your position.
Cindy stated specifically that she was unaware of what you had done over at YH's blog that caused the trouble. I was providing that missing piece of information in an easy manner for her so she could be fully informed. It's her choice to do as she pleases with that information, obviously, but she has a right to it.
With respect to your belief that YH's twitter remarks having anything to do with you, may I direct you back to a comment left by a doctor here some time ago who asked in very courteous and concerned manner that you tell your therapists you were having ideas of reference? It appears those are continuing.
Just so you all know! I don't let anyone make up my mind for me! I make up my own mind & evilness is not going to make me like you 1 bit! Picking on someone's health issues (& yes, mental health is still a health issue, even if you would like to think it is not) will not make me believe you or even trust you! So don't try! I judge people & things by making up my own mind, thank you very much!
I know perfectly well where to go look, if I want to go look for what Bo posted. And what I have said, I have said goes both ways. To me, it does not matter what Bo posted! That is between Bo & YH - not between Bo, YH, all of you foul people or even me! I will judge Bo by the way she acts, reacts & treats me & I expect to be treated the same. Because of that, I will not mistreat Bo, judge her for anything dealing with YH or any of you!
Aside from the Cindy issue (and she's made her blog private, invitation only!) there's another comment you made and others have made that absolutely pisses me off.
That's the issue of me being an out-of-control mental case.
You couldn't be further from the truth.
1. No doctor would make a diagnosis over an internet issue. Doctors ALWAYS say that they cannot diagnose unless they SEE the patient IN PERSON. Therefore, that so-called doctor's comment was most likely made my an idgit pretending to be a doctor. Do you know how many tricksters I have on here? Some are admittedly writing as "several different people".
2. The issue that my doctors/therapists "should be advised" about this issue and how I'm handling it. Well guess what? They HAVE known about it for 2 years---EVERYTHING. They know I rag on YH and I rag on the nasty commenters. My therapist said he was glad that I could "take up for myself" without flipping out about it. My moods are stable right now--and mood swings DO NOT influence my responses. I've ALWAYS been quick to defend myself and I've NEVER been one to suffer fools. Also, IT AMUSES me to tell you guys off because I think you're YH lemmings. If YH told you to jump off a cliff you'd do it---that's how much you worship her. And that's also how much you demonize somebody who doesn't like her and isn't quiet about it. (And I'm not going to say why I don't like her again---I've said it umpteen times.)
so let me get this right...YH says what you feel are anti-American sentiments and you believe her,
but she asks those readers to not email you and you don't believe that? Are you a mind reader?
Who is "all knowing" now?? hmmmmm???
people in glass houses should throw black pots.
1. You guys have been given EVERYTHING YOU DEMANDED, and yet you're still pissy.
Someone demanded that I put YH's "EXACT WORDS" that showed she made maligning remarks about America and SO I DID. I showed you a time where she even wrote a blog post about it ONE YEAR BEFORE I MADE MY REMARKS. So that proves right there that there are OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES ME who don't appreciate her mocking remarks and subtle jabs at America.
2. You've been demanding a picture of me forever. Now you have it on my twitter page.
Therefore, my announcement is that there's something ELSE that you really want. And I know what it is. You want me humbled and humiliated.
Well, that's never going to happen.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Look, I know you wipe YH's ass for her, so I don't expect you to truly and completely "read" my comments. It is evident that you could read them 300 times and you'd still think I'm crazy and wrong.
So get Charmin or something soft so you won't chafe her when you're wiping her ass.
so where's this supposed picture of you or is it another lie
or a picture of some random 6 year old...
Jeez. Do you kiss your mom with that mouth
I have tears from laughing so hard
if that old woman boozer with the scary makeup is your mother picture circa 1965
then no way are you the chick in the other pictureand again another lie
the chick in thepic is not wearing your trademark weirdo clothing that you are always spewing on about
and if the old doll is mumsy it would explain a whole lot about you
also you're way to old, mid to late 50's to be the chick in the group shot
I have tears from laughing so hard
if that old woman boozer with the scary makeup is your mother picture circa 1965
then no way are you the chick in the other pictureand again another lie
the chick in thepic is not wearing your trademark weirdo clothing that you are always spewing on about
and if the old doll is mumsy it would explain a whole lot about you
also you're way to old, mid to late 50's to be the chick in the group shot
To the person who asked where the picture is---it's on my Twitter, Bojustbo.
To the people or person who is/are making statements about the pictures being fake, guess what? I don't care what you say. I provided pictures of exactly who they say they are. You know damn well my mother is beautiful. And if you don't think that's me in the picture, go ahead and compare it with the cheerleader picture to match the faces.
Stupid cows.
You probaby should tell Cindy to remove herbplace of work on her blog profile.
oh she's beautiful alright in that halloween freaky kinda way
holy cripes
Oh that's already thought about. If you so much as whisper at her work place, the internet department will track your IP address and inform your work place.
Also, I have lots of computer abilities and will track you myself. Believe me when I saw I can find where you work. And I can notify them of ALL THE COMMENTS YOU HAVE MADE HERE.
You're in Oregon, right?
You threaten people. turn about is fair play
Cindybknew what she was getting into. You threatn peoples jobs so yiubreally fired the first shot on that one
Cindybknew what she was getting into. You threatn peoples jobs so yiubreally fired the first shot on that one
Okay, who works for Reserve America? And who works for William M. Mercer, Ltd.? And who lives in Pflugerville?
that's true bo
you slung the first mud
I might just get the list of all employers I see on my computer and send them ALL complaint letters that somebody is bugging me by email. So you better STOP threatening to talk to my friends and STOP threatening me if you know what's good for you. Normally I would NEVER do such a thing but if you drive me to it, you've got nobody to blame but yourself.
Then you need to read the note I wrote below you. Because I don't care if you threaten me. I don't have an employer to notify. But you guys do. So you better STOP THREATENING ME, if you know what's good for you. When I want to I can find out anything. Read the above post I wrote about it.
you know what bo
you should do us and you a favour and shut down your garbage blog
wait a while and start a new one for just you and your one friend and scarey mammie and sis
that would work for everyone....
Guess what, idiot? I do WHAT I WANT TO DO. I don't answer to you. I will NEVER shut this blog down. And I just may step up my actions that piss you off just to irritate you further.
I can say ANYTHING I WANT on my blog, GET IT??????
GET IT???????
GET IT???????
GET IT???????
(I figure you're so stupid that I have to say it over and over to you to understand.)
Cindy, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my comment.
I was not suggesting that you judge Bo for any reasons other than your own. You had made false statements about YH's actions in the matter however, and where accusations are being tossed about I feel that accurate reporting is required. The blog post I referenced was to serve that purpose.
Again, thank you, and have a great day.
i didn't read where anyone threatened you at all
you insanity is showing again
you don't have an employer right now
not much in the way of jobs in d' swamps
duh i think i gets it duh
just an idea
thought it would end some of the suffering out here.....
I already know what happened about Cindy. She erased your comment and closed her blog to anybody who doesn't have an invitation. She didn't have any further contact with your stupid self.
let's see some more pics
say one of you and mammie and sis back in 62
or one of you and blaine gettin
or un hitched
let's see one of you when you were camp tramp
another cheerleader shot
a pic of you now today oh I forgot you're a secret.......
I have never made false statements about YH or Bo - I said it is between them! I don't think anyone should be involved, but them!
let's see some more of mammies bedazzled mansion
and the wooden jesus boxes with the fake gemstones and the headstones that have the fake plastic gems are especially attractive
i'd order one but i'm gonna have my ashes scattered over galveston island
did she do one for mammo?
so are you getting any knitting done on the ever ugly lrrh
no new blog post for a while no new twitters
must be coming apart at the seams
How about before you demand to see pictures of Bo that you just reveal who you are? Oh, won't do that? Then you have absolutely no right demanding anything of Bo!
How about the old adage of treating others like you would like to be treated? Guess you never learned that or else you want to be treated the way you are treating her!
If she has done nothing to you personally, then you have no cause to be treating her this way!
I was referring to my comments here, Bo. I never left one on Cindy's site, there was nothing from me for her to erase. I would only have felt the need to do so had you not shared my responses to her as I am a firm believer that one should have accurate information to base their statements on to avoid embarrassment, but as you did, I kept all subsequent remarks here where they belong.
Cindy was courteous enough to read what I had written and post her own response here. That's what I was thanking her for.
and who exactly gave you permission to use The Wizard of Oz on your blog
could be copyright infringement there
Poor Cindy hitched your wagi to the wrong mule this time. I hope people are kind, but Bo has made such an ass of herself yet again you probably are going to get shit flung on you too
oh. And Bo, the whole yawning disinterested thing is played out. We all know that you love to engage
It may not be you, but somebody tried commenting negatively on her blog and she erased something and made her blog invitation only.
And your oh-so-holy statement that you believe "everyone should have accurate information blah blah blah" is such a lie.
You only want to do that to harm my relationship with my friend. Don't EVEN try that sanctimonious crap with me. You want to damage or sabotage my friendship and you know it. Your intentions are evil and God sees it. (And I see it, too.)
And about me using the Wizard of Oz and it being copyright infringement. Every image I got was on Google Images so there. And I spell "YellowBrick Road" differently than the real word. And also: F you! Call them up and complain! Call up the damn Wizard and tell him you need brains! He gave the Scarecrow brains so maybe he can give you some!
You guys are just mad that I posted pictures and my mom is beautiful, just like I said she was. And there's nothing anywhere on them that you can ridicule.
I think bo is one giant ass-tard. But I do not think you should rag on anybodys mom
however 1983 called and asked blaine to send that mullet back. Damn. That's ugly
I don't hitch my wagon to anyone other than my s/o (and it is wagon, not wagi!). I also live by Judge not, lest you be judged. Do you?
To me, I just don't like people being dumped on by others that have nothing to do with the original issue! All of you who have come here & dumped on Bo deserve anything & everything she can dish out! Her original issue was with YH & instead of leaving it between them, you have come here like a bunch of schoolyard bullies to try to get your way & defend your Highness YH! And I call her your Highness, not because of any preconceived idea of what she thinks she is or isn't - only because of the way you all seem to worship the ground she walks on so much that you can't let her fight her own fight, if she has one.
i am sorry that your mammie appears to be a lush and has definite need of a new avon lady
but i see what i see in the pic and shes's a nightmare bet you are the spitting image if her too
Whooooo-eeeeee! Them therapists gonna have a big time this week!
ong the mullet one was a killer1
good one !!!!!
ahahahahahaha L O L!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok I won't rag on her scarey mammie anymore (slaps own hand)
she's loving all this 'eh
Blaine does not have a mullet. His little brother to the right has one, though. Always has and always will. Big deal, he's a good looking boy. You're just mad because Blaine is gorgeous and you know it. He has beautiful blond hair that is soft and silky for me to play with.
And yes, to everybody, it is downright EVIL to rag on my mother and grandmother. My grandmother died last year and we are still in mourning. If you knew the story of my grandmother's tragic life you would never say an evil thing about her again. Yes, she came from the swamp. That's why she married the jerk she did at age 13. To get out of the swamp. But he treated her like shit their whole marriage and yet she faithfully took care of him and his children and HER mother day in and day out, NEVER getting anything in return. No spending money or nothing. My mother sent her money secretly.
Oh HOly Jesus another story of the downtrodden.
So you take after your grandfather do you.....
And the most tragic thing of all with my grandmother was that the guy didn't take her out of the swamp like he promised. She had my mother when she was 14 and then other children. So she was an older child taking care of children. And so she had to raise my mother and her other children in the swamp. My father used to tease my mom about it, saying he could see "watermarks" on her legs. She did not appreciate those cracks because she was totally ashamed of coming from the swamp. But then she met my father and hit pay dirt. My father with his money made sure my mother never wanted for anything for the rest of his life. And he left her all his money when he died so she lives in luxury. She's rich. But her childhood was tragic and put its psychological damage on her. Her brother still lives there, if you read those posts of our visits there. And you know what? It's so peaceful there, and the people so friendly---hell, I wish I lived there... My uncle gave me the invitation that I could live there and he meant it. But I'm Blaine's girl and always will be.
Hell, rag on my grandfather all you want. He was an asshole and treated his family awful.
And the reason I put your comments here is that I'm not like YH---I don't "erase" comments that offend me. If nothing else, I'll prove to you that I am no liar. I can take your shit and prove you wrong.
In fact, that's what all of you are mad at----you're mad because i proved you wrong about stupid YH. Yep, this blog post showed the world that I was RIGHT ALL ALONG, so THERE!!!!!
Oh wait--yes I have deleted just a few amount of comments because they were absolutely ridiculous. No way were they going to be put here.
The comments that have been posted here are absolutely frightening. How do you nasty anonymous posters act in real life? Would you ever talk to someone in your life, the way you have been "talking" here? You are bullying and goading someone who has been very transparent about their mental health issues. She didn't have to be so honest and open but she chose to be. Will you be happy when she has a major crisis and can no longer post because of it? You should all be ashamed of yourselves but I know you won't be. You will hide behind the anonymity of the internet and badger and belittle another human being. It is sickening. Bo, please stop allowing comments on this post. Take a break and do some knitting. I love looking at your stuff. This is not good for you or for anyone else engaging you.
Thank you, Terri---you are an angel. The reason I've been posting their comments is because, for months, I was getting comments about how I was like YH and deleted comments I didn't like. And I want to be honest and so I promised to put everything up, no matter what, and answer the person with honesty. Of course, they are such idiots they can't see the forest for the trees.
Thank you again for your support--you're a good friend.
I was just reading your tweets
how cool is that
Cuddy and House!
Yes, it's true! She dumped her boyfriend and came to House's house where he was sitting on the floor in the bathroom contemplating breaking his sobriety and had 2 Vicodin's in his hand. She came in and told him she broke it off with the other guy--and then said she loved him! He said: "I'm a very messed up person..." and she said "I know". And then they kissed!!!! Lord I almost cried.
Could you please put up a new post
and hopefully it will stop all this school yard bickering?
Maybe some news of the LLRH or your studio.
I wish I had a studio, some nights I'm luck to get a chair with husband and two cats!
re House
don't even tell me that was the season finale
and I MISSED IT!!!!!
Houses house sounds funny
Donna: I am working on a new blog post--but it takes me a few days. I won't leave this one up much longer.
OMG--I didn't think of it being the season finale! But you know what--it probably was because it was one of the most emotional and shocking episodes I've ever seen, and then with that even more shocking ending! It started with House giving Cuddy a book for a "congrats" gift for her moving in with her boyfriend. And then she had to leave quickly to go help in a disaster---a large crane had fallen into a building and it was a disaster area with cops, firemen, medics, and everything. So House motorcycled over there. He thought he heard a voice deep under the flattened parking garage and found a girl with her leg stuck. He begged the firemen to get it lifted off of her so she wouldn't have to have it amputated.
Cuddy shocked him by telling him she was engaged---and then she yelled at him and said for him not to fall apart over it and that she didn't love him. You could tell he was stunned. He started to leave but she begged him to stay because the trapped girl was begging for him to be with her.
Time ran out and they couldn't wait for them to lift the thing off her leg---and he convinced the girl that it would be better to have no leg than to have a leg that pained him every day like his leg, etc.
So she said yes and he amputated her leg. She screamed in pain and he tried to do it as fast as possible. The saw scene was awful.
Then he gave Cuddy a "look" when he jumped into the ambulance to go with the girl to the hospital. On the way there, she suddenly couldn't breathe---she'd gotten a fat embolism from the amputation and there was nothing that could be done---and she died in the ambulance. It was HORRIBLE and it traumatized House.
That's when he got angry and screamed at Morgan in the hospital. He went home and sat on the bathroom floor with Vicodin in his hand.
And that's when Cuddy came in--and told him she loved him. The kiss was soooooo emotional.
(I just looked online---yes, it was the season finale!! Don't know when it will begin Season 7.)
Hey, the person with Execulink. I wouldn't do it. No matter what. I was just mad.
Even when I was young, my sister would always tell on me to our parents--and she didn't care if I got punished. But I could never bring myself to return the favor and tattle on her when she did stuff my parents wouldn't killed her for.
One time, she made a grade of "F" in math. She knew she was doomed as my parents tolerated no less than an "A" or a "B". She came to me and begged me to change the report card grade to a higher grade. An "F" is easy to change to a "B"---I wrote a lot so I knew how to do it and not make it visible on the paper.
So we thought she was okay and safe.
One day a few days later, the phone rang. I ran to get it, thinking it was a guy I liked. I picked it up just as my mother picked up the downstairs phone. This is the conversation I heard:
"Mrs. Bo's mother? This is Bo's sister's math teacher."
"Oh, how are you doing Miss Bo's sister's math teacher?"
"Mrs. Bo's mother, I always make it a point to call a parent when the student has made an "F"."
"But...but...Bo's sister made a "B", not an "F"...."
At that point I quietly hung up the extension and went into my sister's room. She was laughing over something on the TV.
"Sis," I said. "You're fucked..."
Why don't you just turn off anonymous comments? You don't have to pander to the wishes of the public. It's your blog. Just focus on your life instead of providing dubious entertainment to the bored housewives of the Internet. You'll never please them.
First and hopefully last time commenting here.
The reason I'm putting all the negative comments on is because when I used to not do it, I was criticized for my statement that YH was a wimp for erasing all negative comments on her blog. (She admitted it.) So I said fine, I will be open and honest.
And month by month I got negative comments about how I was "wrong" about YH, that she had not made anti-American comments on her 2009 Canada Day post. I finally got tired of it. The last straw was when a commenter said "I want you to tell me THE EXACT WORDS that YH said that made you think she was anti-American!"
So I put this blog post up. It shows that YH was sanctimoniously defending her Canada Day posts, and it showed that she told them that she was virtuous in holding America accountable for "influencing Canada" negatively, and that "74% of Canadians think President Bush is a threat to world peace", and then she opined that the US, since they "have a hand in everybody's business" has a DUTY to use their great power responsibly.
Sorry, I didn't mean to vent to you.
But they all asked for it. And I gave them what they asked for---which shows that people years BEFORE I made my statements were making the SAME complaints to YH.
So I understand their rage at being shown that I was right. So I am talking to them and explaining that they're going to have to EAT CROW.
I just have to tell them. That's when they finally stop with their insults. (And I'm going to put out another blog post soon that'll change the whole subject.)
Ooops---sorry again, I don't mean to rant at you.
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