Here's some unfinished free-form fair isle socks that I'll get around to someday. The weaving in of the ends is torture.....
Here's my crocheted "Baby Biker" jacket, which I think I've shown you before. I sewed faux leather trim with grommets on it, some teeny little chain links, and a zipper closure, etc.
I made a knitted version of the crocheted jacket and like it better. I'll get another one done soon---especially since I found the box with all the little biker "embellishments".

Here's a baby Camouflage sweater, and I put a couple "Army stars" on there because the baby's father was in the army.

I love your eclectic approach to knitting. I am too hung up on the "rules".
THanks, Terri. And I'm still trying to figure out how to do the collar on the cardigan's slanted tops!
that cardigan is amazing!!
Thank you very much, Maren! And by the way, I left a message for our weirdo stalker to get some help. But I talked with Blaine tonight and he says ok, go ahead and contact local law enforcement and see what they advise. So I'll call tomorrow. Thank you for caring!!!
You never cease to amaze me with your color combinations! I'm a wear all black kind of gal, but I do get a bit more colorful where my knitting is concerned, however nothing like you! I can't stop staring at all the different colors in the cardigan. Well done!
Thank you very much, Allison!
Wow! If that is the `person`with the hateful twitter account, she sure has risked a lot. Not too bright.
First she said it was her address, then later on she said it wasn't her address. (But I quoted back to her her own words saying it "was her address".) And in addition to my finding the link to her, a friend sent me the link to her, too. So I'm hoping we won't hear anything from her over the next few days---now that the excitement is over, heh. I may make a blog post about it, heh.
that sweater piece in the second picture is very interesting
I am attracted to the colours and diagonal line
did you pick up stitches along the edge and work out or how exactly are you doing it
Hi Donna: Thank you. I first made the diagnonal panels. Then I picked up the stitches on the edges and began knitting inwards to the buttonband areas. The back is different: I made middle panel the normal way and then picked up stitches on the side to knit outwards toward the side seams.
There is no argument when one chooses not to fight.
Bosocrazy is choosing not to fight. You "win" You are now queen of the world.
I have asked her as a personal favor TO ME to stop because this is not good for her soul. And it it not good for yours either.
Let's all delcare you the winner and move on. None of us should be proud for the way we behaved.
And, for the record, bosocrazy is not a dropout.
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