You're waiting for someone to understand you,
But you've got demons in your closet,
And you're screaming out to stop it,
Saying life's begun to cheat you,
Friends are out to beat you,
Grab on to what you can scramble for....
("Hide in Your Shell", Supertramp)
Each of us here in Bo & Blaine's household has our own unique method of psychiatric "self-help", none of which I think my therapist, Fred, would approve--- but I'll list them here in case anybody else finds them helpful:
Blaine's Macho-Man Method:
Nothing bad happens in this world that a good sized, bacon-wrapped, filet-mignon of Kansas beef won't fix, preferably matched with a baked potato the size of your head:

Don't let the tears linger on inside now,
Cause it's sure time you gained control,
If I can help you, if I can help you,
If I can help you, just let me know...
You really do have a way with words you know.
As I read more I find we have a LOT in common. Off to get blonde next weekend. Great therapy. Fight the good fight!
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