The magical day finally arrived.... and all the other local birds and animals came to watch!
Even a big fat robin came to be part of the joyful process...
And while Papa Birdie perched himself high up on the next-door-neighbor's roof to watch, and Mama Birdie sat in her nest,
the two precious little baby birdies that I have loved and fretted about, day by day since they were snug in their eggies--- both began to practice their walking and flying!
Even a friendly neighbor rabbit hopped over to watch, too....
But you've got to watch that dadgum rabbit---as he and his wife will eat anything not protected by wire meshing (as in unprotected tomatoes and other vegetables one might plant in their garden), as I found out the hard way one year...
Anyway, one little baby birdie sat calmly in the sun--- I guess waiting for the urge to fly away somewhere.
I figured he was either trying to decide where to fly, trying to decipher which way the wind blew, or thinking whatever it is that little baby birdies think in their feathery little brains--- or perhaps simply waiting for his hapless sibling, who was having a little trouble on the other end of the front porch....
Because the other little baby birdie had tried to fly but only succeeded in crashing into the front window. The poor little thing was stunned for awhile, but after coming to his senses it rallied wonderfully ---
and then both babies flew away into the wild blue yonder as I watched after them with a little tear in my eye....
After they flew away, I went over to the nest to see what Mama Birdie was doing. I saw that she was simply sitting serenely on the now-empty nest, and I could swear she looked content---proud and happy that she had shepherded her little brood to adulthood....
And then I noticed something...
As I gazed at Mama Birdie sitting on her nest, the hair stood up on my neck. It was a strange and
eerie feeling--- a feeling that someone was.... well... watching me! And as I slowly scanned the tree around the nest, I discovered that I was correct---
someone WAS watching me!! In fact, I got quite a start when I noticed him sitting there, silent and unmoving, his beady little eyes staring right into my own eyeballs.....
It was a sneaky little chipmunk.....sitting on a branch a few inches above the nest!!
And that
idgity little chipmunk sat there staring rudely at me for the longest time---and apparently it didn't bother Mama Birdie at all ---
and for the life of me I can't figure out what in the Sam Hill that chipmunk was doing there....
1 comment:
You did a great job, got your little brood safely raised and out of the nest. . . now are you going to let the landlord trim up or remove that tree????
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