Monday, April 13, 2009

sshhh....Spring Is Coming.....


And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing...
("There's A Song In The Air", Josiah G. Holland, 1819-1881)


(See the birdie?)

I went for a walk today...

It had just finished raining...

And so I gazed skywards so that leftover raindrops would fall on my face...

I stomped in mud puddles on purpose, not caring a fig that people driving by probably thought I was nutsy-cuckoo.

I mailed Blaine's tax documents to the Infernal Internal Revenue Service.

I jaywalked...

I went to 7-11 and had a coffee while turning in the scratch-off tickets that I had found in my Easter Egg--- for which I won a grand total of $18.

(Eighteen bucks---not bad, eh?)

I took pictures of my fine feathered friends, the neighborhood's birdies.

(Too bad my inexpensive camera doesn't do "zoom" shots so well.)

Happy Springtime, everybody...



Unknown said...

Thank you for the pictures and I am so glad you are living how you want to and not caring what others think. Life is far too short to let others rule it for you.

Ginger said...

Glad to see spring is where you are. When you're finished with it could you send it over here? Thanks.
Ginger on Long Island. Cold, damp Long Island.

Maggie said...

am sooo glad you survived the green bean cassarole making, know you deserved to splash in puddles and enjoy your walk after all the hard work and stress it takes to make that cassarole, hope you had some really great socks on, Maggie