Ok, I finished one of the pair of Kachina Slipper Socks with leather soles for Blaine's brother-in-law. Yay, I thought, triumphantly!!! I'm on the downslope now!
And then reality hit me hard....
Turns out, knitting the sock was the easy part. The hardest part was attaching the damn leather sole. You can see a little bit of the sole at the toe. (And you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
The sewing holes on the soles were so tiny that I had to use regular sewing needles
(and just TRY threading those damn things with sock yarn, which I used to attach the soles to the sock.) And then the depth of the soles had to be sewn correctly or it totally distorted the sock and changed its size. And then, after I'd sewn everything, I had to crochet a decorative border around the sole/sock seam line in an attempt to make a neater edge while hiding the sewing.
And I used Blaine as a fitting model so many times that it started to get on his nerves. I don't know how many times I had to exclaim:
"But these are for your DAMN BROTHER-IN-LAW, Blaine!!!!!" to get his cooperation.
Anyway, I finished one, as you can see by the pictures. And the other sock is finished and so right now I'm in the process of pinning it to the sole.
Sheesh, why did I ever think this would be an easy project??? Why, I ask you!? Why?
Then one of the damn pinning needles broke and a piece of it got lodged into my hand. I think I got it out with the tweezers but I'm still not sure.
And I still haven't even STARTED the Kachina Slipper Socks I'm supposed to be knitting for my sister's husband---who has even bigger feet!!!!
Oh help me Lord, for sure......
What was it that little train said?
I think I can, I know I can, I think I can, I know I can......
P.S. The reason the pictures of the finished Kachina Sock Slippers are pictured NOT on a human foot is because when I asked Blaine to try them on for the 100th time the idgit mutinied on me. That's okay, because I did get him to try them on earlier and they fit appropriately but were a little bit too big-- which is what I wanted because Blaine's brother-in-law has a larger sized foot, which means they'll fit, God willing and the creek don't rise.....
To KG---I accidentally punched the wrong button and deleted your comment instead of publishing it!!!!! I am so sorry! I'll print it here (and thank you very much!!):
"Bo, these are so fabulous! Here is hoping that each one you do gets easier! And that the ones getting them love them as much as I do!"
So I am going to make a pair for the hub. I can see I'll need an awl to enlarge the holes a little and a foot available to baste thwm on...OMG I hope this is worth it...
Hi Abzygirl! It was definitely more involved and difficult than I had thought it was going to be!
Wow! what and adventure! I loved reading about it. And it reminded me again why I have 3 sets of leather soles sitting in my stash unused.
Bo, you have worked hard on the socks, attaching them to the soles and all the rest... I love them and I hope the recipient appreciates your efforts. Why don't you make some for yourself now... let the wives of these brothers and brothers in law learn to knit!!!
Thank you, Henya!
THank you, May! I would love to have a pair for myself but I'm betting that after I do the second pair, which will be the largest foot I've ever even knit a sock for, I'll be "ruined" for good!
Bo, I love your knitwear in general. Loved following the Red Riding Hood adventure -- it's beautiful. Now, do you have to attach the sole to the sock with the yarn? Could you use several plies of embroidery thread -- you know, the DMC kind? There are loads of colors available.
Thank you, Judi! Yes, I think you could attach the sole to the sock with embroidery thread in the right thickness. I just chose sock yarn because it was what I had. I, too, thought of embroidery thread but I didn't have any. Also, whatever is used for sewing, in certain places where I think the pressure would be hard on the seams I stitched several stitches in one hole just for added strength, espcecially in the toe section.
I know I have been AWOL forever, but wanted to say that I love them!
Thankyou, Cindy/KS!!!
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