Okay, so the day started out great....
The Mama-Birdie got spooked by a noise or something and flew off the nest for about 20 minutes. Naturally, I swooped by and grabbed a quick pic---
and there's the first precious little eggie.
White-winged doves generally lay two eggs, and the parent birds take turns sitting on the nest while they're incubating.
All day long I peeked out the front window to check and see if Mama (or Papa) Birdie was okay---and each time I looked, she (or he) was sitting there so prettily, perched on the sweet nest, keeping the eggie warm.
It filled my heart with complete joy each time I peeked out the window and spied them there, steadfastly nurturing their eggie, doing what birdies have been doing ever since God created them...
Also during the day, I nervously watched our new landlord--- because he was making a terrible racket in the back, power-washing both our deck and his own with a horribly noisy contraption. I didn't want anything to disturb the birdies at this critical part of the eggie-laying process, you know?
Finally, just about a half an hour ago, he finished up, to my great relief.
And then he knocked on the front door.
And then he informed me that he is going to be cutting down those trees by our front porch tomorrow. He said (and I quote):
"My mother drove by and thinks those trees are too big and bushy for this duplex. She thinks landscaping would be a better 'look'."
I told him that a beautiful white-winged dove was there---and that she had laid an egg and was probably going to lay another one. I told him that I'd done the research and found that the eggs will incubate for about 2 weeks and then the babies would take another 2 weeks to hatch and grow up---so that the whole thing would only take a month.
He replied (and I quote):
"But I have the truck to do the hauling of the lumber THIS weekend."
I showed him the pictures. I told him all about my mockingbirds back in Texas in '07. I showed him the mockingbird pictures. I told him how much I loved birds.
I begged.
But he said that it's his building and he is going to do like
"his mother said" and put landscaping there.
He did offer this one comfort (and I quote):
"I'll cut down that tree last."
Blaine and everybody says I just have to accept it---that it's an inevitability that I can't control. They say I should stop taking it so hard...
But I am taking it hard.
It absolutely BREAKS my heart to think of that tree getting chopped down--- and then the nest and eggies cast asunder. I can't stop imagining the confusion of the Mama and Papa Birdies when it happens.
I can't think of it.
I won't think of it.
Dammit all to hell, I have never been able to "not" think about something that breaks my heart.
I will think of it... all night tonight and.... tomorrow.
What kind of person chops down a tree knowing there's a Mama Birdie sitting on a nest with eggs in it? I ask you---what kind?
No, you're not the only one. What a heartless creep that guy is! Get a really, really big hanging plant, move the nest and hope for the best. Hang in there, Bo.
That is really terrible Bo! I'm serious when I say, that I'm surprised that there isn't some sort of law stating that you can't disturb something like that unless you HAVE TO. Or you have to take measures to ensure there is another home. :\ I guess we're too kind hearted.
the guy's mother tells him what to do with the property??? Is it her property??? Landscaping??? What the heck are the trees???? I am sorry your birds might loose their home and family, think he oculd wait a bit to remove the trees, after all, he's waited this long...
sometimes life really stinks...
So when we hear the story on the national news in the next few days about this crazy lady in Kansas who has chained herself to a tree, we'll be able to say, "That's Bo!" I hope that the guy will be haunted by this tonight and unable to sleep, and will come back in the morning with a change of heart.
Bo, try contacting a wildlife rescue group. I'm sure there is one around your area and see what they suggest. As for the momma's boy, well the world contains all kinds and his is one of the worst when it comes to the effect on the rest of the world.
I think that I would consider telling him that I had leased the place WITH trees and shade, and that if he removed the trees and shade, I would consider myself no longer bound by the lease. Really.
Also, there are laws protecting nesting birds in many areas. I'd make some frantic calls Saturday morning to.... I'm not sure. Small animal vets? ASPCA? Any animal rights or animal rescue groups in the area? (They might not know the answers, but they might be able to tell you who to call next....
I'd also be checking the "for rent" ads.
Anybody who cut down the trees around my home would be starting a war. Not very Zen of me, but whaddya gonna do? I'm Sicilian.
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