Last night there was a beautiful sunset over our little cul-de-sac. Thought I'd grab a pic of it for you.
I noticed it through the living room window as I was knitting along---I finished the socks for my ex's step-father. I really hope they fit---and that the mistakes in the fair-isle patterning on one of them don't show very much, heh. What a sloppy knitter I am!

Although (in my humble opinion) no other sunsets in the country can really compare with Texas' spectacular ranch-country sunsets, Kansas does occasionally oblige me, usually when I am feeling my most melancholy---as if God is feeling benevolent and has decided to award me a beautiful little "present" to help me hang on. (He does that sometimes....)

It's just that I am trying to get up the nerve to tell you the story of Odelia, my nanny who I talked about in my last post. It has been weighing on my mind---actually, it has haunted me for my entire life. I have spent untold hours trying to find her but I have never been successful.

To this day I have no idea what happened to her after my family left Portugal those many years ago....
I love your socks. I didn't have too much success with fair-isle knitting socks. They were too tight in the leg. I don't know what the secret is to switching colors without getting things too snug.
I didn't know it snowed in Texas. i always thought of Texas a shot desert.
The socks are amazing! Very impressed.
Those socks are excellent!
One of the things about living in the Sonoran Desert is that there's no need for heartily warm socks. Even this time of year I usually go without.
if i'm almost 40, and i have never knitted in my entire life, can i knit something as pretty as those socks?
Yes! Anybody can learn---I mainly learned from Socknitters:
They have tutorials and loads of help. (And I bought one of those "Learn to Knit Socks" booklets at Hobby Lobby/Michaels to help.) But I say again---it's addictive!
Hey, why don't you let all of us together with the internet help you find her? Surely there's folks with connections there. So what if it's a needle in a haystack? What do we have to lose?
Fine, fine socks. I dare any man to find a mistake in those beautiful, toasty warm babies. What? What? What mistake?
Lovely photos, Bo. Makes me wish I was there, despite the rather chilly-looking surroundings :P and heck, living in London I know I've had enough of cold weather :P
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