It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't added a couple more knitting items to my ever-burdgeoning knitted Christmas gift checklist....
Like some "Go-To-The-Hospital-Bed-Boots" for Mary, Blaine's mother. Mary is going to have surgery on January 6 and she wants the "bed-boots" to keep her feetsies warm in the hospital---and she wants them in colors to match her new robe.
Okay, so I made Blaine take me to the store--- to fight the Christmas sale-shopping crowds, yikes!---in order to get some yarn for the bedboots. And I have since been knitting as fast as my fingers can go.
I knitted the first one yesterday. I made them in soft, worsted yarn---but I did them on small needles for a tight gauge so they'll be warm. I was knitting so fast that my needles made a couple of wrong turns at Albequerque, but I don't have any time for frogging---Mary will never notice anyway (hopefully).
Now I've got to knit the second one----hopefully I can get it done quickly so that I can get these socks out in the mail. I am going to New York to help Mary after her surgery but I won't get there till after she returns home from the hospital after the surgery---thus the need to get these in the mail now so that she can have them when she enters the hospital.
Hey, I'm going to take the Amtrak train to New York in January, yeehah!!!
Anyway, I also took on yet another last-minute knitted project, a long blue scarf, for one of Blaine's sisters. I've got the scarf finished but now I am pondering what to put on the ends---fringe or a big tassle?
And I've still got to wash and block Blaine's step-father's socks, and then I've got to finish the purple Regia socks (on those dratted size O needles) for that "Make Peace" gift for the other sister-in-law (the one I wronged a few years ago).
So far they're turning out okay---no wrong needle turns at Albequerque--- but give me time.....
The weather is gray and bitterly cold---powdery snow blows every now and then. It's about 14 degrees out there and I feel a cold draft coming out of the fireplace even though the flue is closed---and that REALLY COLD draft aims right where I sit and knit.
My toes are icy and so I put on extra socks---and I'm carrying my coffee cup around with both hands so that I can warm myself on it.
Poor idgity Blaine forgot his cell phone today, so I know he's irked. He must have been running late because I saw the evidence of a hurried exit---his shaving cream can was knocked askew on the sink, his commode was running because he forgot to "jiggle" the handle, and his pajamas were flung onto the center of the bedroom floor.
(Okay, so Blaine probably wouldn't appreciate me talking publically about such personal issues as his bathroom commode, but it's just that he's usually extremely religious about jiggling that dang faulty handle so that it doesn't run all day long and cause our water bill to skyrocket....)
When I saw the forlorn phone still sitting there on its charger this morning I immediately called him to inform him that he had forgotten it---and then I became confused when the cell phone on the floor started ringing. I had called the darn cell phone.....DUH! So I regained my senses and called his desk phone to leave a message---then realized that he probably didn't need me to call his desk phone to let him know he'd forgotten his cell.....okay I was just trying to be helpful, ya know?
So anyway, I gotta go for now----so I can keep knitting like a fiend......
(Blaine just called on the land-line telephone, lamenting the fact that he'd forgotten his cell phone. Like a smart-aleck, I replied: "Did your brain take a wrong turn at Albequerque?")
(I just love saying that.....)
(I wonder if I have time to knit another scarf for Blaine's step-father?......)
Hi Bo! When you were talking about "bed boots", I had in mind something like Aunt Alma's Dorm Boots ... These are LOVELY! Is the pattern yours? What kind of heel is that? It looks like a Lucy Neatby garter stitch heel, but the mitering line is different, and looks much prettier, IMHO. She'll LOVE THEM - I DO! Macy aka Socknitrmom at yahoo
So, where did you get the pattern for those socks for mil? Those will be PURTY ...
Thank you! Yes, the pattern is mine. I knitted them in a "regular" sock fashion, but I knitted them at a really tight guage---worsted weight yarn on size 3 dpn's. (I wanted them dense so they'd be warm.) And yes, the heel is Lucy Neatby's garter stitch heel. (I do hope she likes them!)
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