The Announcement Angel has spoken.....
When the parent birdies "changed shifts" again, I was able to snap two pics of the nest---but I was trying to move extremely fast so as to click the pics and then get out of there as quickly as possible (so as not to scare the parent birdies too much)--- and so the resulting pictures are blurred....
But even so, you can see that one precious little baby birdie has hatched----and one baby is still in its eggie!
I'm trying to think of names....
And I love the serene look on Mama Birdie's face.....
and she doesn't seem afraid of me anymore. I stand there and talk gently to her, and she just gazes at me with that sweet look on her face...
Congratulations, Auntie Bo! You've done a good thing. (The both of you.)
You have done a great job, now to get that other egg hatched out, LOL, am glad the birds and nest stayed put for all of us to enjoy
Hurray for Auntie Bo! All her *ahem* encouragement must have gotten BB#1 to come out and take a look around. Now to wait for BB#2 ... Great pics for a quick snap, though!
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