Okay, so idgity Blaine has a 55" television set delivered.
And I'm left wondering what in the hell was wrong with our old
behemoth below?
It was huge, too...
I couldn't resist remarking:
"Why don't you get it over with and install an IMAX system in here? We could invite the neighbors and charge money for watching it--- with popcorn and everything." He did not respond.
And look below, at Little Baby's face and tell me what she's saying. Well I know EXACTLY what that face means. It means:
"I don't give a damn about the new TV, I just want tuna placed into my bowl---NOW!"
It's a "man" thing!
Will be great for watching movies...
love the kitty-face
Hi Donna! At about Little Baby---can't you just see the irritation in her face that her "wishes" are not being followed?
Boys and their toys! But he sure gives you time and attentions as well.
guys and their TV's ... the bigger and newer, the better....but must admit, the bigger they are - the better I can see them if I have my glasses off!! (shhh, dont tell my hubby I said that!)
He's a good guy but now he's going to fiddle with its bells & whistles for the next year!
please post a pic of a Tuscan cantaloupe..
what colour is it inside??
Hi Donna! I already cut the Tuscan Cantaloupe into bite sized pieces and put it in the refrigerator, so I can't take its picture! But I'll tell you what it looks like---it looks on the outside like a greener cantaloupe with deep, yellowish indentation lines all around it. The meat inside looks exactly like cantaloupe meat with the seeds in the middle. But I was disappointed when I tasted it---it was less sweet than a regular cantaloupe. So I won't have Blaine get any more of those again!
I'm the gadget/electronic geek around here. Don likes to tell me how I should be able to do things on the computer though - even though he can't even turn one on.
Hi Cindy! I love it that he likes to tell you what to do when he isn't experienced! That's such a guy thing with electronics!
Yep - floored me!
The thing with your sister kind of reminds me of the night I got a phone call from my mom while I was pg with my oldest - the entire conversation was basically her saying "Your dad has been shot." And then she hung up. I was already married, had no idea where they were (Abilene area it turned out) and spent the night in a panic until I could find someone. A man that went to church with them had gone hunting with Daddy & his brother. He shot Daddy face on with buckshot & to the day Daddy died, he still had pieces of buckshot in him, but that night, he was all right - they had taken him to the hospital & then dismissed him. No cell phones in those days!
Hi Cindy! Yes, that phone call you got would have panicked me something awful!!!!! Especially in your pg state! It defies explanation why family members treat each other that way. I thought I had gotten able to deal with the crazy ways of my family but this last episode showed me I really haven't!
Bo - I think in your case, your education & knowledge worked against you in that from experience you knew things that could be happening & your mind went to the worst possible events automatically.
When our nephew was 1st sent to Iraq, my fil being a retired Lt. Col. & having previously been in the same unit our nephew was in, knew from the things that were said, exactly where her son was. Instead of keeping that information to himself, he shared it with her - which caused her to panic more than she already was with having him there. When my brother had his blood clot a few months ago, my knowledge from having worked as a CNA & CMA gave me knowledge about some of the possibilities, which I tried not to share with my sister & other brother what my true fears were regarding what was going on - they were panicked enough as it was. It's the knowing when to share or when not to share that determines how others take it. If she had not of said that it was a medical procedure, you might not have panicked, but you had just enough info to combine with your knowledge & it led you down the path to panic. And in my opinion, she knew that before she said it & that is the part that makes you really upset - to feel like you were set up for it!
But I hope you can move past it & move on without remaining upset! Here, my plan is to have most of the wedding cake layers done & back in the freezer by Sunday night when I go to bed. My bil & sil arrive on Wednesday of next week, my fil & step-mil arrive on Friday afternoon about 2 hours before the rehearsal. The wedding is on Saturday of next week. Then I may just do nothing much except knit for August!
Cindy, I think you hit the nail on the exactly correct head!!!! My mind flew to all kinds of negative medical scenarios. Since then, my sister has admitted that she shouldn't have handled it that way, and we're back in each others' good graces, thank goodness. But my mother is not speaking to her. It seems that my family can never just settle down and be normal (whatever normal is!)
After all the work you're doing with the wedding, you will definitely deserve to rest and just knit!
As I always say (although I don't follow since I do have a couple I tape) - I don't need Soap Operas - I have a family!
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