I replied: "You don't have to tell me where the storm is---that damn new TV is so big that I can see the weather lady from here!"
And then...amazingly.....I heard another sound.....a sound which has eluded me for 18 years.
I heard the lovely jingle of the bells on a Good Humor Ice Cream Truck....
But.... no matter which state I've ever lived in, I have always tried to catch the ice cream man without success. I have been thwarted in my efforts to catch one time after time again, year after year, as for some reason the damn ice cream men I've encountered all think they're Dale Earnhardt in the Indy 500, speeding through the neighborhood at jet engine speed.
But I'm stubborn..... and so I rushed into the house, grabbed some of Blaine's quarters on the dining room table, and flew out the front door towards that wondrous jingling sound which announces that the ice cream man cometh.....
Sprinting like I was in the 100-yard dash, quarters clutched in my left fist, I ran like hell towards the ice cream man. I saw that he was still on the cul-de-sac----which meant that he'd HAVE to pass where I was in order to leave the street. And I was taking no chances....
And then the storm arrived in earnest. Large sheets of rain began pelting the neighborhood and thunder and lightning were all around.
But I wasn't going to let this ice cream man go. I wanted a damn Good Humor "Sundae Cone". And I knew that the ice cream man was going to try and speed away, since he knew nobody would come out to buy an ice cream in hurricane-force winds.
But I was way ahead of him!
I ran out into the middle of the street, waving my arms like a madwoman, signaling the ice cream man to stop. And he had to stop in order to avoid running me over.
"I want a Good Humor Sundae Cone!" I yelled at him, my voice practically drowned out by the thunder and winds.
Aghast, and giving me a look which I know meant he was questioning my sanity, he quickly grabbed one of the precious cones out of the freezer box and said: "That's two bucks."
I counted the change in my hand, and announced: "Oh DAMN! I'm short---let me go inside and get some more money....."
But he yelled back: "Are you nuts? We are in a major storm here! Just give me what you've got!"
So I forked over the money and took possession of my Good Humor Sundae Cone---and hurried back into the house, my entire body soaking wet.
See? I did it! Hee hee!! I overcame an 18-year curse and finally caught the damn ice cream man! HEH!

I noticed Little Baby sleeping on the sack into which Blaine had put some dried herbs he'd picked off the deck garden. Obviously, Blaine hadn't noticed it yet. I chuckled to myself to think how he'd blow his stack when he saw that.
Looks like Little Baby knows he's laying somewhere he shouldn't!
Love the red beads! What are you making them out of?
Hi kg! I'm making the beads out of polymer clay. Then I put a gloss on them. And then tomorrow I need to drill the holes into them!
You, my dear Bo, are a Nut! You make me laugh so much!
Thank you, Tottergirl!
Ice cream trucks are elusive in Canada too... I started life in a suburb and remember the joy of the ice-cream truck (except the time my Mom ran for one barefoot and stepped on a bee) ...
and then we moved to a rural area and I never saw them again. Years later as an adult I was visiting the old family home, and one came driving down the long rural road, and I was so sad, because all the children in the neighbourhood have all grown and gone away.
BTW... in Canada all the ice cream trucks seems to play a tinny version of "the Entertainer" no jingly bells here...
Hi Lora! Hey, maybe we need a harpoon and can just shoot it from the front door and reel them in like a tuna fish...heh!
You did better than be Bo - I was 4 years old the year I had decided I wanted an ice cream - I still haven't gotten one. Even though I ended up with the entire neighborhood out looking for me & the 2 year old friend that was with me - we had managed to get at least about 8-10 blocks from home before anyone even tried to stop us! A policeman took us home, but she wouldn't sit by him - he had a gun in the car & she just knew he was going to shoot us with it! lol
Cindy---It's an ice cream man conspiracy!
Do you suppose the ice cream man gets to EAT all the ice cream he doesn't sell??
Bo, what do you use as a gloss finish on your beads?
Hi kg! That's funny---maybe he does! Fort he beads, I use Modge Podge's spray varnish. They also have a brush-on version, too. It goes on milky but dries clear.
Thanks for telling me what you use on the beads. I've used that before to make rocks look like they are wet. (you know how rocks look so much prettier when they are wet on the beach and then when they are home and dry, not so much?)
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