
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard,
Oh, take me back to the start.....
("The Scientist", Coldplay)
* I've been trying to drown my melancholia since Jon left by working on my deck garden. I still get tears in my eyes from loneliness but I've been plugging onwards, working with the plants and also keeping house & taking care of Blaine. Speaking of the deck garden, see the above picture of a Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter? That is the image that is shown on all the TV commercials regarding the results of planting tomatoes in their "upside down" planter. Their picture of the planter shows the plant growing upside down, right? So you have to hang the planter fairly high so the growing tomato plant doesn't grow right into the ground----which Blaine and I took great care to do so. Yeah, and we're just now getting the fruits of our labor---big fat cherry tomatoes which are turning from green to red---so that's a good thing.....except that....

She sleeps frontwards....
Reaching out with a paw....
And some unexplainable positions, like grabbing onto a chair leg.....
And then it happened. While I was out on the deck something began going on in the dining room behind my back...
Leonard apparently had performed one of his usual mischevious tricks----that of teasing Little Baby......

Because all of a sudden I heard a major catfight erupt....
Which sounded like they were killing each other.....
I witnessed the whole thing---and this time I caught Leonard in the act. Not that he's the only perpetrator of cat fights. Little Baby has started her fair share. The punishment for catfights around here is that the one who started the fight has to take a "time out" in the basement in order to contemplate their sinful cat nature. So I simply pointed my finger at the basement door and Leonard pranced away to his banishment, happy as a lark that he'd just irked Little Baby no end....

Two cats here too
same commotion!
Donna, sometimes I wonder what the neighbors think when they hear the cats fighting!
Yes... because plants, regardless of the direction they are planted, obviously would grow away from their roots. In the case of the Topsy Turvy planter, the plant would grow away from sunlight. Because it needs sunlight to live. So obviously, it would grow the opposite direction of the rays that give it life. Right. Real great critical thinking going on over there.
Our upside down tomatoe grows up too, but doesn't look as happy about it as yours does! It was an interesting idea anyway...
Um....Alexander the Great?
Uh...do my eyes deceive me or are you insulting my intelligence regarding the stupid Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter? My response to you is this:
You utter putz. You obviously don't recognize tongue-in-cheek humor, and you're a misogynist to boot. Yeah, that's you---Mr. Misogynist. You hate women. (Duh.)
Hey Kg! As long as we get the yummy 'maters, right!?! I put Miracle Gro (a teensy smidge) in every time I water it. I've been advised against that but it seems to work.
We had one of those planters last year and our tomato grew upwards as well. Unfortunately the tomatoes it produced were very very nasty. I've no clue what the problem was. Then when I went to pick up the planter this spring it just fell apart. Of course, our NM sun seems to do that to lots of things.
My animal issues are not the cats fighting, they don't interact. One is a house cat, the other is a barn cat. But both bully the dogs. Oh yes, I have woosy dogs. Two labs, two heelers, and one big black and white dog and all seem to get smacked around by the cats. It's a wonder they can even show their faces.
Keep hanging in there Bo!
glad to hear your working on LLRH!
I am anxious to see more...
I am trying to finish a pair of socks before I start next project, need the socks done for a gift so can't really set aside..
ps love that "utter putz" going to put it in my memory bank for when I need it!!!!
Thank you, Tottergirl!
Donna--you cracked me up! Now I, too, have the "utter putz" thing going through my mind today! Heh, maybe if Blaine does something wrong I'll use it on him!
Great cat photos. I just want to report that my Topsy Turvey tomato plant is growing up too. It is blooming and has not set fruit. I heard the weather might be too hot for that.
Thank you, Paula. We're lucky in that our Topsy Turvy plant has grown lots of tomatoes--maybe I OD'd the plant on Miracle Gro! We haven't picked the ripening ones yet because the first ones to turn red aren't quite red enough. But I'm thinking that we just might get a few tommorrow.
forgot to tell you
I broke down and bought another basil
then my other one decided to perk up!!!!
The pendant (with the oops) is very pretty, gotta watch those dremels!Lucky for you, you Mother is going to make you another one!
So, how far did you get on the LRRH???( not nagging or anything)
Thanks, Donna! That dang Dremel did get away from me!
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