But the Tuna Fairy wasn't paying a visit---noooooo--- The Tuna Fairy, aka Blaine, had other plans for her---and he nabbed her. And so then it was too late for her to make a mad dash to freedom. No.... it was too late. And even though he petted her for reassurance, she put on that "mad" face as she was too late in her realization that Blaine wasn't simply going to pet her----no, he was there to perform her weekly brushing, an ordeal which she hates.
And when Leonard saw what was going on, he made a beeline for the basement. He wanted NO PART of this action....

So Blaine set to his task, brushing poor Little Baby.

Blaine brushed and brushed, and Little Baby made a weird yowling noise the whole entire time.
She sounded like he was killing her, even though Blaine is very gentle--- and we think she secretly likes it but just doesn't want to admit it.
And I'm standing there laughing like an idiot at her weird yowling, but Blaine just brushed on and on....

Sometimes Little Baby gets sneaky and tries to break and make a run for it---but Blaine is too smart for her.
Meanwhile, I guess Leonard forgot about what was going on, because I spied him laying on top of the couch, unconcerned, not realizing that his turn was next...
When Blaine was finished with Little Baby, he let her go and she indignantly stalked away. And then.... Blaine sneaked up and caught Leonard!
And Leonard HATES being brushed. He is not liking this one single bit! And he is younger and stronger than Little Baby, so he can squirm harder to get away much better.
And Leonard is not above getting ugly with the whole thing, even barring his teeth and claws one time, as you can see below!
Ah well, another Saturday night brushing the cats. But there's something I know that they DON'T know....

Brushing them is not the only thing that is going to happen to them regularly---because I bought Blaine a "PediPaws". You know--- those gadgets that painlessly files cats' claws? Since we chose not to have the two cats de-clawed, we figure the PediPaws will do the job of filing their front claws down, painlessly, so that they don't do damage when they claw the furniture or rugs. So Blaine's going to open that thing soon and start regularly filing their claws....
Heh, heh, heh, heh......
My dogs were terrified of the pedi paws - I hope you have more luck. I think it must be the noise.
Good job on the LYS trip!
I forgot to add...
My dog hates the Dremel. (which is kinda like a pedi paw) I let the groomer do it now, they charge me about $10.
Thanks, #8. We went and I bought a skein of yarn! And anything involving yarn is good!
Good luck with the pedi paws! I can't get the cat or dogs to stay in the same room with it.
How funny that your cats don't like to be brushed. My Bug just loves it. All I have to do is bump the brush against the glass bowl I keep it in, and Bug is in my lap!
Our kitty loves being brushed or combed and will even get up from a nap if my husband calls her name and she sees the brush or comb in his hand. She is not so nuts about getting her claws clipped. I am lucky to get two or three done at a time so they are done over several days. I hope the knitting circle trip has interesting people. I have only been a couple times and found the two different ones I tried rather boring. I think I do better knitting by myself at home. But that is okay quod I also play bluegrass and get lots of positive socialization that way.
I have a pedipaws, and I can agree with the whole "noise" thing, its kinda like a buzzsaw after a while....
....but please be careful cuz it gets HOT. The friction of the sand-paper against their nails = heat.
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