Last week I saw 4 hefers and two doggies break through that same fence, a little further on down the road, and those stupid things had themselves a high old time grazing by the highway all afternoon, big as you please.
And the thing about cows is, that the stupid creatures can never figure out how to get BACK IN the pasture. They can be 6 inches away from the fence hole and still not figure it out---always needing to be rounded up and led back in by somebody's ranch dog or a pickup truck. (I let somebody else do the honors on this particular day.)
What the...? Seriously? Cows can get out but don't know how to get back in?
Guess their grass-is-greener instinct is only one-way then.
On a related note, today we learnt what 'bovine cough' is! They really didn't have much imagination back when they were naming all these symptoms, did they?
You are too funny. Enjoy your weekend.
I don't blame you. I don't put anyone else's doggies & stock back into their fence for them. Cattle are dumb!!
guess it all comes down to the ratio of the brain size to body size!!!!
In defence of cows : A farmer once noticed that cows never go near a cattle grid, so he thought he could save money by just painting a cattle grid on the road.
During the night the cows strolled across the fake grid and escaped.
OMG! I finally figured it out, the Talker in my office is a heifer! She can't figure her way in and out of the office! LOL
Ooh, and it's finally starting to get warm here. I hear it's been quite cold over there...have pity on those poor idiots and don't snatch them bald. They need all the hair they can get right now! :)
(That previous rant about snatching him bald had me rollicking, by the way. And you were once a BIKER CHICK?!)
Even Australian cows are that .... bovine.....
That brings back memories of rounding up the cows at midnight in my kid/teen years. Horses too. Horses actually plot escapes and get fight back when you try to bring them back in. I've had a horse charge at me before. (the bull dared him to do it) :-)
You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?
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