T'was 2 nights before Christmas,
when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even an idiot cat...
(That huge box was delivered yesterday, from my Mother, hee hee!)
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas
would soon be there....

Me and Blaine were nestled all snug in our beds,
While visions of sugarplums danced in our heads....
(Okay, I don't remember wrapping any sugarplums. But there's the wrapping station---and the two presents there are the ones we're contributing to the "gift pot" for the ridiculously stupid "White Elephant" game with presents that the family has decided to do on Christmas day after dinner. I bought a reversible Sherpa throw from Macy's and Blaine bought an air popcorn maker from Bed Bath and Beyond...)
And yadee yadee yadah,
I was up getting a drink of water and,
to my utter mortification,
Santa Clause came down the chimney
and hid Blaine's present
behind the clutter at my "knitting station"!
And then I thought, what the hell is he doing here the night before Christmas Eve? Maybe he needs two nights to deliver all the presents these days....
(The blue box with silver bow in the back).

And yadee yadee yadah,
but there's the yarn I bought
with my gift certificate from my mother.
It's Malabrigo Worsted, colorway "Snow Bird". (I'm making myself a sweater out of this luscious yarn.)
Where Was I?
Oh yes, 2 nights before Christmas and Santa Claus is in my living room....
Anyhoo, all of sudden
Santa flew back up the chimney
(and I hope his butt
wasn't burned by the fire there....)
And I could hear him
up on the roof getting ready to take off.
And then I heard him yell:
"Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!
Yadee yadee yadah, I can't wait till Christmas!
Now, I need to inform you of a matter of importance. It's that of you being entitled to one wish on the Christmas Tree. All you have to do is wait till Christmas Eve and then you wish on your Christmas Tree. Most of mine have always come true. So don't forget!
Gorgeous yarn - I can hardly wait to see your sweater!
Merry Christmas, Bo - have a blessed weekend.
Thank you, Beth! And you have a Merry Christmas, too!!!
Have a beautiful & blessed Christmas Bo ...enjoy your family :-)
You too, Donna! Have the merriest Christmas ever!
Merry Christmas Bo! And I hope that 2011 brings only joy, cheer, and growth for you (in the yarn dept, in the spiritual dept, in the emotional dept but again, in the yarn dept!!! LOL)
Thank you so much, Danielle! And I hope you have a blessed and merry Christmas, too! (And good tidings in the yarn department, heh!)
still think yor house is haunted Bo, hope you are feeling better and it gets better every day.
tell Blaine "hey"
Loves to you...
Thank you, Maren! I can't help thinking the house is haunted, too! And Blaine says "hey" right back!
I finished the last of my Christmas knitting for the grandkids Christmas morning, but I finished the last Christmas give this week - a shawl for my mil who has dementia. I know she will appreciate the work that went into it, as a former knitter herself (that is a sore point with me, but at 1,500 miles away & unemployed, I can't change it right now).
I think it was a lovely gesture Cindy---and I think it was just the perfect gift!
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