You like your life in a free-form style,
You'll take an inch but you'd love a mile,
There never seems to be quite enough,
Floating around to fill your lovin' cup,
("Jackie Blue", Ozark Mountain Daredevils)
Well.....at last, I've finished the dratted Little Red Riding Hoodie....
...a garment which has virtually sucked the life out of me for months. I'm totally SICK of the thing. But it's finally finished, thank God. (Except I haven't sewn those frogs down yet.)
(You can click on the picture to enlarge it.)
Originally, in the beginning, when I was sketching out how it would have to be knit, I had wanted lengths of green leaf trim for the button bands and the wrists. I thought that the leaf trim would be so cunningly pretty. But the time length that I procrastinated about putting it on the LRRH convinced me that my continued delay was actually due to the fact that--- deep down in my heart --- I just didn't like the leaf trim on there.
Nope, the trim just didn't look right, no matter how I arranged it, and thus my prolonged hesitation.
So I chose this way of finishing the LRRH---black frogs for closure and giant tassels on the drawstrings. It looks cute when you tie the drawstrings into a bow and let them hang down the front.
I would say "Tah Dah!" but I know that a lot of people probably think the garment is hideous. But I like it. And I'm sure I'll get a lot of wear out of it this winter.
I'm going through some difficulties these days and I'm glad I finished the thing because I need the relaxation of knitting on something else for a change. I'm even to the point that I can't think up decent topics for this blog. Don't know what's the matter.....
...but my therapists are like cerebral battering rams, mentally pounding at me over and over...
My therapists don't play around---they are on me like white on rice, every minute of three days of therapy a week...
People think therapy is just sitting in a chair and boring the hell out of your therapist by talking about one's youth. But that's not it. It's actually a lot of work---and if your therapists are like mine, they will eventually beat you down to a malleable, humble state.
I thought I was like that until I saw my psychiatrist last week.
And he surprised the hell out of me by substantially increasing the dose of one of my more serious meds, Seroquel. I am absolutely mortified about that.
The increase is hundreds of milligrams more than that of the other patients in my group. What's up with that?
I always joke around behind the therapists' backs and amuse the other patients by calling Seroquel "animal tranquilizer".
Gallows humor, I guess....
I used to be known as quite the "wild child"..... but that's all gone now. I feel like these meds have beat me down into a colorless, melancholy, and sad creature. The only place to find the roots of my wild child personality is in my knitting, where I vicariously knit madly colorful things on the fly, making up the patterns as I go---the color changes performed in deference to the changes in my mood...
Oh well, didn't mean to whine at you. I think I'll go upstairs and look into the Magical Yarn Closet and pull out some unfinished object to knit on. The shawl with a ruffled trim. Or maybe the "Animal Crackers" leopard socks. Or that totally wild cardigan which just needs sleeves.
ooh-hoo, jackie blue,
Making wishes that never come true,
Going places where you've never been,
ooh jackie, you're going again....
I really LIKE how your sweater turned out! I hope you will wear it to one of your appointments!
Thanks, Danielle! Yes, I'm definitely going to wear it to one of my appointments!
That is a righteously GORGEOUS work of art you have created! So much thought, effort, skill, discipline, and color magic went into it. Amazing, you're simply amazing!
Thank you so much, Kali!!!
Congrats on giving birth... I say this because it seems that it took just about as long to produce LRRH, and was probably nearly as painful. :)
Also, I remember being totally sick of pregnancy by the time it was all over.
I don't think it's "hideous", and although it's not entirely my cup of tea (and who says it has to be?) I do like the cables and the peplum(?) thingy.
I don't think I could ever design anything that would end up looking like a fitted garment (hats and mittens don't count) so you have my admiration.
Thank you, Lora!!
That gorgeous sweater will add a nice spice of color during the winter - bound to cheer anyone up!
Thank you, Beth!!
That is an incredible piece of work. Whether or not one would pick it out off the rack to wear is another matter, and that is entirely a personal opinion.
But no one can deny the skill, creativity and brilliance of the finished garment, it is truly a piece of art.
congrats girl, "ya done good".
Wow Bo! I've been off-line for a few days and looky looky the LRRH is finished and soooo adorable, love the frogs, it is just perfect!!
Congrats on an amazing sweater!
Can't wait to see what's next...
Thank you, Anonymous!
And thank you, too, Donna!!!
The hoodie is very cute. I like it much better without leaves (good call)!
Thank you, Anonymous!
my granddaughter was just here and picked up her sweater,she said to tell you she loves the buttons.Then I showed her your LRRH and told her you knit it with "pas de patron" and her eyes nearly popped out of her head! She said it was very be-u-ti=ful in her cute little English with a French accent! I think she was wondering why I hadn`t knit her a sweater like yours!!!
Awww, Donna! She sounds so cute! I wish I could meet her!
Great job on the sweater! So fanciful. It makes me feel good just to look at it.
The sleeves look too short.....but I love it's creativity, color, spirit...and mostly, that the LRRH reflects several thousand moments of time strung together that helped you through some tough times. Beautiful.
Thank you very much, Mary, Kathy and Anonymous!
The LRRH is stunning!
Thank you, Jenn!
Hideous??? I don't think so, it is adorable!! You know Bo, who says we have to be all alike? It's the different that makes a difference. Heaven help me if I ever have to conform...
Thank you, Kim!
That sweater shows just how skilled and talented you are. Well done!
Thank you, Terri!
That's not a hoodie, it's a work of an artisan. It's gorgeous!
Thank you, Luba!
Bo it looks great!!! I'd wear it only because of all the work that was put into it alone. Wear it with pride!! I love it.
Thank you, Lesley!!
wow I think it is beautiful...glad you stuck with it!!! Lisa L.
Thank you, Lisa!
Congrats on finishing the sweater. As for the meds, etc. I understand how you feel. I've battled obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders most of my life. It's a pain adjusting to new meds when the old ones stop "working." Hang in there...I know from experience that it'll get better. Take care!
Thank you, Tamara!
That sweater is simply stunning. I can't imagine how much work went into it.
Tried to post under my Google account but it keeps saying my PW is wrong. Oh well, I'm Maggie and followed your link from the Knnitlist to see your blog. Love your work!
Thank you very much, Maggie!
Wow! LRRH looks fabulous all done up with the frogs and tassels and everything. Congratulations on finishing it!
Thank you, Meg!
Outstanding Bo. Glad you posted the picture. It's just beautiful and I wish I had the talent to make something half that nice.
Thank you very much, Charlene!
SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO Sweet sweater. I love it so much, and love its amazing colors. simply BEAUTIFUL.
Thank you very much, Lily!
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