What IS IT with men that they don't know how to take care of a woman when she's sick? I mean, Blaine is the greatest guy in the world.....UNTIL I GET SICK.
You know, I rarely get sick with viruses and such. Rarely. In fact, I haven't gotten one in the two years since I returned to Blaine from Texas.
But since Saturday, I have been felled by the meanest virus I've ever known. I am so sick that I can barely get out of bed to go to the refrigerator and get a yogurt. And my coughing spells feel like I've coughed up a lung...
And when I do go downstairs, I get the scene below--no sympathy from Little Baby. She wants her tuna plate filled with tuna even if it means I have to crawl on all 4's.
Sigh..... so it must be true--- there is simply no rest for the wicked,
as proclaimed in the Book of Isaiah verses 48:22 and 57:20-21.
(Maybe I should get less wickeder?)
Is "wickeder" a word?
Where was I?
Oh yeah, nobody in the household has any sympathy for me in my state of the consumption....

And below you can see how concerned Blaine and Leonard are about it.
As I walked by them to shakily walk back up the stairs to the bedroom, I couldn't help but to remark sarcastically:
"Can I get you a Coke and a footstool?"
But Blaine is of the ilk that he doesn't do "sympathy" for sick people. And he doesn't believe in pampering me when I'm sick. Although, if he were sick, like he was this past week, he expected much attention. Now he's better but the virus jumped to me and I went down like a tossed sack of rotten potatoes. And yet Blaine just blithely goes about his business, irritated that I haven't done any housework in the days I was sick.
He actually had the GALL to sarcastically exclaim:
"Do you even KNOW HOW to use a Swiffer?"
And when I whined that I was sick as a dog, he actually had even MORE GALL to say:
"Get off the cross---we need the wood!"
And, being ill, I just couldn't come up with any snappy comebacks.
But let me think on that for a bit......
Poor you! I hate being sick although I must say if I am really sick , down, in bed sick my husband is a pretty good care-giver. He nursed me back to health through a potentially killer dose of food poisoning a couple of years back.
I do sympathize with you and if I lived close I'd bring you a bowl of soup and some yogurt popsicles.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thank you, Donna!!!
When I'm sick my family tries to be helpful but they treat me as if I have the plague...they stand on the threshold of my room with their lower arm covering their mouth and nose in case my germs jump across the room and infect them. Take care and rest up!
Thanks, Terri! I think Blaine would probably treat me like that except I caught it from him!
What a bummer! Next time Blaine is being sarcastic, barf on him! That'll teach him.
Sorry you have been wiped out by the fickle finger of a virus but I'm pleased it's only a virus. You hadn't posted for awhile so I was becoming concerned....and I'm really eager to see how the Little Red Riding Hood ends up. Once I put a project down for any period of time, its highly unlikely that I'll ever pick it up again :-) Rip-it is my middle name and Froggin' my game
Tottergirl, that is too FUNNY! And it actually crossed my mind once!!
Hi Sue! I was getting worried there myself! I truly cannot remember when the last time was when I was this sick. Today's the first day I can sit up for any length of time. I'm determined to get that LRRH done. I'm knitting on a very simple project today because I'm still not 100% and the LRRH is such a complicated project I have to think about it the whole time I'm knitting.
Hope you are feeling better!
Thank you, Cindy!!
$60 is not a decent tip for a $500.00 service. It's not even 15%, $100 would be a 20% tip, $150 would be a good tip.
The charge was only $400. And Blaine will only pay a 15% tip, thus $60. If it were up to me, I'd tip 30%. Then I paid $50 for some conditioner, so my stylist will get a cut of that sale. So the total bill was $510. And then there were the other hair products I bought at Ulta.....
I wish I could tip more but it's Blaine's dime.....
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