You could have knocked me over with a feather when the weather changed so quickly.
It was the first day of spring. And the day began at a beautiful 67 degrees F, with a nice breeze, and the sun was shining brightly. So Blaine took me yarn shopping. I entered a yarn store as he waited in the truck for me---and when I came out of the store, the temperature had dropped about 10 degrees, the sun was covered in snow clouds, and it had begun misting.
And then it turned into a full-fledged snowstorm later on, eventually dropping about 6" of snow on us. (The picture below is the preliminary event---it got worse later on.)
So I did as I usually do when it snows and worked on my current project---The Little Red Riding Hoodie. Here's a mock-up of a sleeve, a "test sleeve" if you will. (This dang yarn photographs in bright neon, which it's not in real life. It's just a very red red.)

I had the knitted leaf edging in my files, handwritten from whichever book I got it from. I've seen it in several knitting stitch books---I think I got it from a Nicky Epstein book or a Barbara Walker book. (LATE NOTE: I got the original pattern out of the Nicky Epstein Knitted Embellishments book.) I also found a similar 18-row pattern used in the directions for a free baby hat pattern (link below) (and the author references the page in "Barbara Walker's "A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns" page 357, where she stated that the leaf edging pattern was obtained) but I've always used the one in the Nicky Epstein book.
And in that baby hat pattern it uses the term "inc" wherever the term "k 1 f & b" is used in the pattern I found and also in the pattern I re-wrote to have the leaves facing the opposite direction. And I didn't use a provisional cast on---I just did a plain cast on.
(Copyright Lauren Eade, Image Francie Owens)
Anyway, in my picture below, the leaf edging on the right is the pattern I always found in many knitting stitch books and patterns.
But the one on the left is the one I re-wrote to face the opposite direction.
And here's my directions for it--- and it was very tricky. Because in the knitting books' pattern, the edging was an 18-row pattern with the last, 18th, row consisting of binding off 5 stitches as one part of the row.
But that could not be done in the exact same way in my re-write, so I had to add an extra row in order to do the bind-off row properly. And then I had to add an extra row so that the pattern would be on the correct side to repeat itself by starting on row 1. So if you're knitting a garment with both patterns, remember that the one I wrote has 2 extra rows, which really isn't that noticeable.
(And, in the below picture, if the first 2 leafs look scraggly, it's because I was writing as I went, and I was perfecting things, leaf by leaf, until I got it just right....)
So here's my rewrite (and it's the leaf edging on the left in the picture): Cast on 8 sts.
1. (Right Side) K2, yo, k1, yo, K5
2. K3, k 1 f & b, P 6 (Important: When doing the wrap for the "knitting into the front and back" of the stitch, wrap the first wrap as if to knit, and then for the 2nd wrap in the front make SURE you wrap from the bottom up)
3. K3, yo, k1, yo, k2, p1, k4
4. K4, K1 f & b, P8
5. K4, yo, k1, yo, k3, p2, k4
6. K5, K1 f & b, p10
7. K5, yo, k1, yo, k4, p3, k4
8. K6, k1 f & b, p12
9. K1, ssk, k7, k2 tog, p4, k4
10. K7, K1 f & b, P 10
11. K1, ssk, k5, k2 tog, p5, k4
12. K5, p1, k2, k1 f & b, p8
13. K1, ssk, k3, k2 tog, p4, k1, p1, k4
14. K5, p1, k3, k1 f & b, p6
15. K1, ssk, k1, k2 tog, p5, k1, p1, k4
16. k5, p1, k4, k1 f & b, p4
17. K1, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, p6, k1, p1, k4
18. K5, p1, k6, p2
19. P2 tog, BO 5 sts, p1, k1, p1, k4
20. k5, p1, k1, p1.
Repeat these 20 rows for pattern.
It's looking good Bo!
Thank you, Cindy!!!!
Boy are you right about the color on your camera being off. Either that or who's ever hand that is needs an emergency trip to the doctor to fix the jaundice! Yowsa!
Like the leaves though! Very nice.
Thank you so much for sharing the reversed leaf edging! Great directions!
Thanks, you guys! And you're right, tottergirl--sometimes this camera gets its color off when I'm trying to take pics of brightly colored knitted stuff close up--don't know why. But couldn't take the pic outside because of the snow on the ground!
Impressive work on the leaf!
Thank you, Mary!
nice "leafs" Bo!
good question about "loggerheads"
I had to look it up...typed in at loggerheads in search and found the meaning of the term...
too much info to write in your comments but you made me go look and therefore learn something new!
may also try your leaf design it would be attractive on many things
look forward to an update on the
Thank you, Donna! I found that I originally got the leaf trim from Nicky Epstein's Knitted Embellishments book---and that's the one I re-wrote backwards! (I think it's in the 2nd Barbara Walker Treasury...)
Thank you for taking the time to write this out! I was going to since I love the leaf edging and wanted it on both sides of a shawl and now I don't have to. Thank you!
You're welcome, HavetoomuchYarn!!
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