Okay, so I wanted to knit some more house socks.
The reason I love to knit house socks is because I need many pairs--- and new ones often--- since I'm hard on them and wear them out quickly. I wear them all the time, both around the house as true house socks, and also as boot socks with my Bass Pro Shop knee-high rubber boots.
I've made several different types of pairs lately, but I wanted to make this particular pair "leopardy".
(Is 'leopardy' a word???)
So anyhoo, I graphed out the best leopardy graph I could manage, and I knitted what I thought was a leopardy sock. And I was pretty happy with it...
...until Blaine said that it "didn't look leopardy to him".
Okay, so I knitted the Second Sock--- and on this one I re-arranged the colors to see if I could get things to look more leopardy.
(And since I never make matching socks anyway, these Leopardies will fit right in with the rest of the hapless, un-matching socks in my sock drawer...)

But even after seeing the Second Sock--- and both together--- Blaine STILL doesn't think they look leopardy.
WELL again...
So I took a family poll and emailed pictures of the Leopardies to his family. And today I got the answers. Blaine's brother and sister-in-law DO think they look leopardy. But Blaine's sister opined that they'd "look more leopardy if I had knitted the top bands the color black."
Knitted the top bands black? But wouldn't that be more "cougary" than leopardy?
To tell you the truth, I really like the stupid things. They're thick, and I knitted them "high top" style---tall--- to fit comfortably when I wear them with boots. And they're warm. And they also make my clogs fit better when I wear them with the clogs if I so choose.

God, I'm on a total house sock binge lately. I'm knitting these silly things like crazy and I don't know why. I guess I just plain enjoy knitting them, maybe because they are fast knits (being knit out of worsted yarn) and I have fun trying to come up with new and different ones in crazy colors.
And I've decided that I don't give a flip if idgity Blaine doesn't think they look leopardy. In my own mind's eye they look leopardy. (Wait till he sees the next ones I've got on the needles--- HEH!--- they are totally BIZARRE--- even to me!--- and they're called "Stripes Mania". )
(I'd love to knit Castiel a pair of socks....)
(He always looks so brooding and intense, wearing that baggy duster coat all the time--- with that tie--- and I'll bet that he only wears plain black socks, although you'd think that an "angel" would wear white, right?...)
Oh yeah, the Leopardies. Sigh..... I'm forever going to wonder if they "really" look leopardy or not.

I think they are very cool looking. Do I think they look leopardy? Eh, they look more giraffe-ish colors. Maybe if the tan was a little more golden colored. But they look great!
I think they look VERY leopardy. And I love the way you make non-matching socks. I like the opposite color scheme a lot.
I think the graph is pretty awesome.
They certainly look leopardy enough to me...and by the way, I like the non-matching socks! :)
They look leopardy to me. If you showed me those socks without telling me they were supposed to be leopardy, I'd think "leopard" and "snow leopard" anyway. Love them! Hope you share the graph (hint hint).
Your socks are really cool and well knitted.
Thanks you guys!
They look completely leopardy to me. Why ask a guy who would never wear leopardy socks to being with? Enjoy them.
These are the leopardiest socks ever! And lovely as well.
You've got a regular leopard and a snow leopard from what I see on my screen - they're lovely socks!
Bo, I think they look quite lovely AND leopardy! I'm still mulling over the idea of the black cuff bands; it appeals to me on some unknown level. If you continued the spots to the toes, THEN I would think they looked more giraffey, but not the way they are now, to me. A golden vs. tan comment also rings a bell with me too.
But they're yours and they're perfect the way they are! And what does Blaine know about sock design, anyway??????? ;-P
My DH suggested "cheetah-esque" as a description - he might have something there!
They look leopardy to me. I love that they don't match exactly. -Eliz
Wow.. they are spotty enough for me. I like your smockey socks too ayou must be a sister in kind. I love Texas,was bsin health arts, worked L and D for 20 some years. Too old to nurse but can still twirll a needle. Keep them coming. Jan
The definitely look leapordy, but I actually think they look a little more ocelotty. What a fabulous design!
I LOVE the leopardy socks, and they look leopardy. Non-matching is adorable. Penny
Thanks you guys! (And I'm getting a whole new bunch of ideas about giraffes, snow leopards, cheetahs and ocelots!...)
Bo your blog is great and I will visit again
www.yarnblog.com with not enough pictures obviously
Gasp, YES, leopardy oozes out of this sock design! What we're concerned with here is not the exact reproduction of a leopard's FEET or hair pattern, but the interpreted feeling of leopardness that strikes the viewer/wearer when encountered in the form of a handknitted sock. You succeeded. The artist does not need the critic. Knit on.....
Most definitely leopardy and way cute! You have inspired me to knit house socks.
When I saw them I immediately thought "leopard", before I even started reading! They look great to me!
I have to agree with previous posts very leopardy little toe cuddlers indeed
I wanted to ask you, have you read the book "Friday night Knitting Club"? I just started it today, I hope it's a gooder!
they look right leopardy to me, too.
Thanks everybody! I haven't read the "Friday Night Knitting Club" but it sounds good!
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