People, this hurt I feel inside,
words could never explain...
I just wish it would rain,
(Oh, how I wish that it would rain...)
("I Wish It Would Rain", The Temptations)
It rained once, but the weather forecast says it will rain again...
And since I am one of those odd people who prefer bad weather to good, I sincerely hope the rain and thunder get here soon--- because I definitely need some cheering up.
Because it's official -- we're worried.
The short story is that Blaine works for Sprint. Yes, the same Sprint who recently announced that they are going to lay off 8,000 employees....
Blaine has worked for Sprint for about 11 years, and he was already layed off once a few years ago. Then he was hired back as a contractor---and then he was re-hired back full time. And since then he has always survived separate rounds of personnel lay-offs.
But he doesn't think he'll survive this latest round of lay-offs. And so... we are on a very strict budget to try and cut expenses as much as we can --- to prepare for the worst.
For Blaine, I try to buoy his spirits up by being positive and cheerful--- while also keeping a pleasant house so that he can relax from his stress when he gets home, even though watching the evening news on the television is an exercise in depression (what with the state of the country's current economy, ya know? And we know that we are not the only ones in this precarious financial boat---there are thousands--- millions--- of others....)
I always try to have a nice dinner waiting for him---so tonight we're having one of my specialties in comfort foods, Portuguese Chicken and Rice, a dish I loved as a child during the years I lived in Portugal.
Blaine has tons of other worries as well as his job--- his mother just had a mastectomy, his step-father has been told he needs more medical tests on his failing heart, and the owner of this duplex has sold the dang thing. And we don't know whether the new owner will raise our rent or not....

A friend of mine had a t-shirt that expressed perfectly my sentiments about all this. It said something like, "I know that when God closes one door, he opens another. But man, these hallways are a b**ch!" :)
Hang in there. It's the waiting that's hard. When we were waiting for my husband to get laid off a few years ago, it was actually a relief when it happened -- so much better than not knowing.
Knit on, with confidence and hope!
Wild thunderstorms, pounding rains, lightning crackling across the skies, thunder booming though the mountains..now, that's my kind of rain...but..if Bo gets rain, then Maggie will be getting rain..and since Maggie lives on a sand bar and has growie things, Maggie wants all the rain Bo sends this way....
I will keep you and Blaine in my prayers, for his job, and all your needs, the family health issues..and that Blaine finally figures out that it's not what you wear or don't wear that matters, it's never been the outside package that matters..it's the wonderful person inside...take care, Maggie
You and Blaine are in my thoughts.
I do see the bobbles, I think...lol.
Give the furbaby a hug for me.
I hope your huband doesn't get laid off. Mine is home, no job since moving to St. George. It's been a tough transition. He really is too young to retire but older than most employers want to hire.
I also, love rain. Especially since we live in the desert. Nothing smells better than rain.
I love your blog, though I don't check in often enough! It's always fun to read, because you have such a great attitude and sense of humor. But I'm sorry about all of the uncertitude in your life right now, and I do hope that things get better and sort themselves out.
Lovely knitting! Great colors! And beautiful cats!
My husband got laid off a couple weeks ago. It was a great week for him. Monday some guy who wasn't paying attention rear ended him and totaled our car. Wednesday he got laid off and the following week he had knee surgery. The good news is this is the first time he's been eligible for unemployment. And he's so good at it that he's getting a $25 a week pay raise!! It doesn't seem to be too bad. I've turned over the house and cooking to him so now when I come home I don't have to run around all night trying to get things done. Hope things work out for you and everyone else in our position. Melinda
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