The disastrous ice storm and arctic weather which hit a large portion of the middle of the country has arrived. And just about everything in the State of Texas is frozen.
And let me assure you, it is very COLD. D*Dang cold.
I*In fact, it is so dang cold... (* (*
(How dang cold is it, Bohemian?)
I*It is so dang cold.... I*
It is so dang cold that I have to stand shivering in the wind every morning to pour tap water over the Jeep in an attempt to thaw it out from under a quarter-inch layer of solid ice--- as well as those annoying little icicles which are dangling from the side mirror (and who greatly interfere with my Sonic and Taco-Bell drive-thru ordering procedures) ....
It is so dang cold that my windshield wipers won't even wipe because they're frozen into place on the Jeep's windshield...
It is so dang cold that the trees, fences, and everything else in the pastures are covered with shimmering blobs of ice--and the cows are vowing NEVER to lay down again..... *
But the good news?
The good news is this:
Mr. Tynedale went home from the hospital today. And although the weather man is predicting more freezing rain and arctic temperatures tonight, and Mr. Tynedale lives on a distant cattle ranch 35 miles away---and there are no paved roads out there which means that I'll have to plow my way through frozen mud and ice--- and the cell phone rarely works in that region so God Help Me if I get stuck in said frozen mud and ice...
I'm bound and determined to go see him. And so I'll be going out there bright and early in the morning come hell or high ice...
(I'll blog more when my fingers thaw out.....) (if I don't get stuck in the mud & ice out on the Tynedale Ranch...)
(Oh, and just one more little thing: Y'all keep your fingers crossed that Geena-Lou's kids win ribbons on the animals they've entered in the Ft. Worth Livestock & Rodeo this weekend. It rained on them all the way there but they made it safely---towing NINE ANIMALS in one trailer!! --and Geena-Lou said that her husband griped his head off about one thing or another all the way there...) *

Stupid cows. Do they lay down when the weather is awful to forecast good weather or are they only fair weather cows??!!
Hurrah for Mr. Tynedale! And for you; I hope you don't get stuck out there!
Bless your heart. Neither sleet nor ice can keep the Bohemian down (unlike the cows...). So how are you at managing all those crazy road nurses? I see you still get out to your patients. Texans have needed winter hats and gloves of late. Good reason to knit!
I'm glad My Tynedale made it home! You be careful lady!! Ice storms are rough. Look out for the black ice!
Girl, I cold just reading your post. I'm having the chills. Brrrrrr.
Stay warm and dry.
Bwahahahahahaha! Now you know how we feel up in frozen England!
(Which is quite miserable, really.)
I hear ya BRN I am freezing my butt off too. And this from the back door of hell!
Next time try rubbing alcohol instead of water. It works alot better and won't refreeze. Just put some in a spray bottle and spray the ice away.
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