Alas, but I didn't have a very good weekend....
In short, I had one of my infernal migraine headaches, I was the on-call nurse----and also, it rained. But, thankfully, I only got called out on a patient-visit once, to perform some simple wound care.
The only productive thing I was able to accomplish this weekend (besides that one patient-visit) was some knitting.
I managed to finish another baby blanket for Jane-Anne (knitted in my usual psychedelic style) .
And I finished one and three quarters of a pair of socks for Bonnie.
* Although my migraine headaches can sometimes last three days or more, the one I had this weekend wasn't too very bad because of my doctor. He knows that I'm un-insured and simply can't afford the sky-high price of migraine headache medicine--- and so he mercifully gives me free samples from his office. (Bless that man....)
Feel better soon. I have migraines too. You have my sympathy. The knitting is beautiful. You are inspiring me to make baby blankets like that for my neice who is due in January.
We'll even double bless that man, as migraines are NOT fun!
Nice to see some knitting, though, and one of these days, I wanna try one of those "inside out" blankets!
my daughter likes it when I ready the "blog with the horse pictures"; but she wishes you had more pictures of horses :)
The baby blanket is beautiful!!
My primary care MD is also kind enough to give samples of the migrane medicine. I feel your pain, glad it was curtailed!
I used to get terrible migraines. Midrin (sp?) was my drug of choice. But, as I have aged, they can now be treated with Motrin Sinus (or the store brand). You have to get them in as soon as you notice the migraine. You can't "try to sleep it off." So, even if it's 3:00 am and I wake up with the 'niggling of a migraine, I force myself to get up and take a couple pills.
You knit the neatest stuff.
I have migraines too but I have noticed it is with weather changes mostly. I just try to ride them out I have a thing about taking medicines. Hate it!
I hope you are feeling better!
Having no health insurance my self. I know how bad it is and how much you appreciate those wonderful samples.
I LOVE those socks!
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