Saturday, April 07, 2007

Bill Gates--Get Your Butt To Texas....

I am going to SCREAM.

My old computer crashed and burned. It blew so badly that the computer man gave it CPR to no avail.

(And believe me, it ain't that easy to intubate a computer for a Code Microsoft. Do you put the ET tube into the CD drive? Or do you put it into one of the USB ports? Or perhaps the Ethernet port since that's where its "lifeblood" comes from?.....)

Anyhoo, the CPR didn't work and the computer man "pronounced" it after about $85.00 worth of CPR. So....I went right out and drove the hour and a half drive to the nearest town with a computer store. Once there, I sashayed into the computer store with Visa card in hand---and bought myself a brand spanking new Gateway computer---which the computer salesman told me is more powerful than a speeding locomotive, is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, is faster than a speeding bullet----and best of all---IT HAS WINDOWS VISTA, yaaaaay!!!!!

At least, so he told me....

But to my everlasting utter mortification, I soon found out that it is NOT Super Computer.

Do you know why?

Guess what Windows Vista left out?

It left out the ability to recognize my digital camera, my Ipod, my printer, my sub-woofer, my speakers, and my own brains.

. If ANYBODY, and I mean ANYBODY, knows how I can figure out how to make my hardware work on this dadgum, dadblame, egg-sucking, porch-sitting, yard-dog-petting, Bisquick-using, greenhorn, from-a-big-city, contraption (and thus "recognize" my hardware)....

I would be eternally grateful to you till my dying day----and I would then personally sing you "The Borrowed Road Nurse Song"--- right here on Tales of a Bohemian Road Nurse....


Anonymous said...

One word: Mac

girl_in_greenwood said...

Those are prolly all driver issues. Try googling for "windows vista driver [name of device that won't work here]" and see if you can find something to download for each device. It sounds like the iPod might be the toughest - lots of people seem to be having trouble getting their ipods to play nice with Vista, although it will work if you jump through enough hoops. Just do a search for "windows vista drivers ipod" and several discussion forums will come up that have several useful suggestions. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm no geek but do you have the discs with the software on it that you got when you bought your camera,etc? Maybe if you run those the "wizards" will help recognize them.
And there's always, support. I have had Gateways and their tach support isn't too bad.
Good luck!

Katherine said...

Nope, for a month I have been trying to get Vista to do what XP did. It don't do nuttin! What happened to File, Edit, View? What happened to copy and paste? Why does it keep saying, "a new printer has been installed," when I plug in my iPod?
Yes, the solution is Mac.

Joan K said...

Go to the support site for the manufacturer of each device. Look for new drivers for your model number of each device. Download the drivers and install. I think they will tell you how to do this on the site. That should get you some of what you need. I'm not sure about the Ipod problem.

Deacon Barry said...

Whatever you do, don't throw your purse at Bill Gates. I think the problem with the new system is that the designers are so involved with all the shiny new bells and whistles, that they forget about the bread and butter stuff that we use in our daily life. I'm afraid I'm not much of a techno-buff so I can't help in the way of solutions, but I do know that I'm going to leave it a long time before I think about upgrading.

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

They are all right!! Windows Sucks in general!!!
Mac is the better way however I do not have the $2000 to invest in one personally. Joan is right! go to the manufacturers websites and see if they have updated their drivers for vista yet. They should have by now. I'm amazed that Microshaft didn't have the drivers preloaded like they did with XP. The bastards!!! If all else take that comp back to the computer store, return it or see if their tech would help you install them. They should do it for free especially if they sold you the dang thing to begin with! Big hugs lady and good luck!!!

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

Happy Easter hun!!! Big hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

You missed out my favourite Texas? revenge move - you didn't snatch it bald! I can't help with the computer though, I am totally reliant upon husband and son to keep mine fit and well. I hope you can get everything in full working order very quickly.

Cindy said...

FYI, Hannah, that should be, "snatch it bald-headed." Subtle but down-home difference, apparent to those of us who live both in these parts and also down yonder ways.

As for Bohemian's technical difficulties, I think I'd talk to Gateway tech support first, and try to get them to help with each and every individual driver (i.e., make them locate the new drivers online). And make them stay on the phone while you install them. (You did just pay some bucks for that new computer, right? That price included some support.)

For your iPod/iTunes problem, go to Look under Troubleshooting: Hot Topics or Apple Articles: Popular Articles and click on "iTunes and Windows Vista." Maybe the info there will help a little.

Good luck, Bo! My heart sighs for you. A new computer really shouldn't cause you to flirt with mental collapse.

poody said...

sorry can't help I am computer tarded

Kim said...

My dear, I have one word for you:


No crash, no burn and easy to use.

Bill Gates is eeeeevil!

hastalvistababy said...

I found a really funny link re: Bill Gates that I posted on my blog :)

I've been having problems with Mozilla/Firefox myself lately.

I don't have Vista, thankfully (trying hard not to be an "early adopter")