Ahem, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your Message Goat here, with an update on the First Storm of the Winter.
First of all, Bohemian Road Nurse sends her apologies for being late getting back to you as she was held up due to helping Lu-Lu with "on-call" this weekend--and so she wanted me to tell you that she is giving you the below picture of a pretty paint pony as a peace offering.
(And Bohemian Road Nurse further apologizes for the stupid paint pony refusing to pose for the picture, choosing to graze lazily instead.)
(Oh yes, and Bohemian Road Nurse also said to please disregard the paint pony's stupid dog hamming it up for the camera.) (She said that dang dog always did love to get its picture taken.)

Three quarters of the way through their Orientation, while on a coffee break, one of the Road Nurses from Podunk had peered out the window and noticed the storm coming in. She thought it was a local weather front at first but then had the wherewithall to check the computer for the weather radar--and it was then that she found out exactly how serious and widespread the storm really was. Fearful of being stranded far away from home for the night, she quickly calculated that if they left right then, they might be able to out-run the worst of the storm. After getting permission from their boss, they all piled back into Belinda's monster Tahoe and began the long trek back to Podunk in the blinding sleet and snow--a foolhardy venture if you ask me.
Personally, I would have stayed the night in a nice, warm, motel--but all three nurses later stated that they wanted to come home and and be with their husbands and children. And although they had to go very slow on the slippery roads, with a few hair-raising close-calls on the way, they eventually made the trip safely, thanking their good fortune that they had gone in Belinda's Tahoe, which has fantastic Mud & Snow Tires and four-wheel-drive.
And Bohemian Road Nurse threatened Belinda with dire consequences should she ever NOT ANSWER an urgent text-message again, complaining: "I know what a crappy driver you are--and I was worried SICK!"
To which Belinda sarcastically replied: "Oh, like you're the safest idgit on the road---remember last year when you did a 380 on the Interstate?"
To which Bohemian Road Nurse cleverly replied: "Yeah, but I wasn't pregnant at the time, like you are right now Miss Sassy-Frass!"
To which Belinda sassily replied: "The damn Tahoe is a solid vehicle---in fact, it's a hell of a lot sturdier than that pissant Jeep of yours which would roll at the drop of a hat with the way you take corners on two wheels!"
To which Bohemian Road Nurse replied nastily: "Oh yeah? Well just WHO, pray tell, has gotten herself pulled over by the cops for speeding not ONE, not TWO, but THREE--count'em, THREE times in the last year and a half, eh?"....
To which Belinda replied.....
then Bohemian Road Nurse replied....
(blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....)
That is all from your Message Goat.
(Road Nurse will return shortly....)
thank you message goat for the Belinda update. I was worried! nice to know she went home safe & sound. I would have stayed in a motel and had a slumber party!
I agree with knitting rose. I would have stayed in a motel also! Glad to hear they are alright!!
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