(Marcel Proust, *
referring to madeleines) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well... I'll be.
I guess it pays to speak up. This is the actual e-mail I received today from La Madeleine's in response to my mentioning to them that I found it odd that they don't serve any madeleines at their restaurants (see previous posting of 11/24/06):
* * Dear Bohemian Road Nurse,
* Thank you for your feedback. We wanted you to know that we now offer Lemon la Madeleine’s and hope you will give them a try. ------- * --------Merci
* Janet Jennings Guest Relations ------------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----------------------------------------------------------Hot diggity! I am TOTALLY looking forward to trying some of those things when I return to Dallas at Christmas time!
* Hey, if any of you guys in Dallas go into La Madeleine's, tell 'em Bohemian Road Nurse sent ya! * In fact, I'm so dang thrilled that they sent me an e-mail, I'm going to order a whole BOX of madeleines when I go in there. I may even take advantage of their online ordering to keep myself in madeleines all year round! * ' (And merci buccups to you, too, Miss Jennings, hee hee!) * Heck, I may even try to learn how to make my own madeleines---and become the madeleine fool of Podunk. I'll need a madeleine pan, though. My sister is going to flip out when she hears that La Madeleine's actually sent me an e-mail. My sister is the only person I've ever known in my entire life who "just happens to have" a madeleine pan.
Anyhoo, click below if you'd like a link to madeleine info and some neat recipes:
I LOVE madelaines! They are too addicting! In fact - it is dangerous for me to be near one - cause I cant stop at just one!
Trouble is, they'll serve the last one to the person ahead of you in the queue.
My wife is a LM freak... we go to the one at the big ass mall when we visit the in-laws in Colleyville.
I'm just impressed at how efficient they are!
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