Call me a joker, call me a fool,
Right at this moment I'm totally cool...
("I Go To Extremes", Billy Joel)
So who are you to yawn at me, Little Baby? You're not exactly the damn Patron Saint of Excitement, you know.
Nor the paragon of good manners, either....
Damn cat.....
Okay, I'll admit it---I'm totally getting BURNED OUT on this damn thing I've created called
The Damn Little Red Riding Hoodie.
(Okay, sorry for all the cussing but the word "damn" is on my mind a whole lot lately while knitting this donnybrook. I am totally frustrated with how damn long it's taking to put this thing together.)
As you can see, I've still got a zillion more damn miles of leaf trim to knit for the buttonbands because the damn trim has to also extend up onto the hood I'm going to knit for it, with both leaf strands meeting on top of the head in the middle. (The dark areas at the top of the pieces are shadow---and you can click on all the photographs to make things bigger.)
And so far I've only finished a half of one damn sleeve and it's leaf trim.
(Don't worry about how funny the wrist shaping looks because it fits fine---the baby cabling is stretchy and I also wanted fairly skinny sleeves anyway.)
Here's a closeup of the leaf trim knitted out of Aunt Lydia's crochet cotton. At first I actually loved knitting this easy little trim---
except not miles and miles of the damn stuff!!
Both the buttonbands and the sleeve trim areas have other finishing details I'm going to perform in addition to the leaf trim--- such details as I think will really make things pop. But at least here you can get a picture of the general idea.
And don't forget that there's still that damn hood to be knitted--- and I've never knitted a hood in my life!.... aaaarghhh!!!!
Like I said, I'm SOOOOO burned out on this lengthy project. But I'm determined to finish it, by golly.
NO WAY IN HELL is this thing going into a damn UFO bag....
And surprise surprise----you guys all convinced me that I should give the Bond "Embellish-Knit" i-cord maker one more try! So I went BACK to the store and re-bought it.
(Is "re-bought" a word???)
And I practiced until I had it right---and then cranked out the necessary i-cord to use as the drawstring of the hood. I'll think I'll knot it or something and see if I can make it more attractive....
this is just incredible Bo! goood work. I am sooooo impressed.
Thank you very much, Maren!!
WOW! What a project. This is not just knitting; it's a work of art. I'm feeling good because I finally finished an easy sweater I started in 2006. How long it seems to take to do something is relative - depending on the person's track record. I am thrilled to have moved on from having lots of projects on the needles to doing and finishing one at a time.
Mary, thank you very much! I used to have tons of UFO's (they're sitting in the Magic Yarn Closet) but these days I'm finishing my projects before I go on. But just to tantalize myself, I keep the materials for my next project nearby so I can stare at them and drool!
Oh Bo, That tiny leaf trim is sooooo beautiful. The whole project is just the cutest thing evar!!!!
And of course, Little Baby is the silliest thing evar!!
Thank you, Tottergirl! I just cut the sleeve steeks last night and I'm going to work on the facings today.
Bo that is heartbreakingly beautiful and if envy weren't a sin, I'd be full up. It's amazing work. Thank you for sharing. Dadgum I wish I was your sister, I'd pester you til I had one of my very own.
Thank you so much, Anonymous!
I love it Bo! Love it that you got the I-cord done also!
Thanks, Cindy! Today I'm knitting facings for the sleeve steeks.
You can tell your brother that they're not trying to get him to quit smoking by giving him the patch---they truly offer it as a "mercy" measure because they know how uncomfortable it is for hospitalized patients to have to do without cigarettes. He can quit taking the patch the minute he gets out of the hospital. (I wish Blaine would quit smoking---but he just can't quite get up the nerve...) You're a good sister to your brother.
You're doing such a wonderful job. It will be so well worth the DAMN frustration once it's finished!
Thanks Bo! I did try to tell him last night, but he wasn't having any part of it. I will try again tonight. Still haven't heard from anyone on how his night was or how he is this morning, so don't know whether to be worried or not. His wife did tell me that since I am the oldest, I have been put in as the alternate contact for him.
Thank you very much, Tammy!
Cindy: If you've been listed as an alternate contact, then I think that means you can call there and get updates on the phone. What I would do is to call and ask for his nurse, stating that you just need an update, then ask the nurse what new orders the doctor gave when he made his rounds (i.e. med changes, labwork ordered, any tests ordered, etc.) Most nurses would be happy to fill you in. And if you go to visit him, take the nurses a box of donuts and you'll be a total heroine!
While I wasn't a big fan of this sweater at first, I now think it's totally cute. So you MUST finish, humour me I have allergies on top of a nasty cold :)
Hi Mrs.Lillypond! I'm having bad allergies right now, too! As for the LRRH, thank you very much! I threw out that sleeve and am now working on another one that I like better. (Which will make it the third sleeve I have attempted---just couldn't get it right.) :)
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