Saturday, March 03, 2007

They shoot horses, don't they?....

It's official---I've got the flu.

I feel so ill right now that even my eyelashes are hurting. Thus, I freely give permission to anybody who knows me to KICK my butt next flu season if I fail to get the flu shot (like I did this year.)

And thank you, everyone, for your well wishes---I really appreciate it!

And now, I'm going to drag my sorry self back to bed where I will lie there wishing that somebody would have mercy on me--- and shoot me to put me out of my misery.


Indian Medic said...

thats too bad.

Take care. and get back on ur feet soon!!

Anonymous said...

One good lesson about flu, it teaches us how good it feels not to have it. So sorry. And this was my first year to get a flu shot and I don't do good for hardly anybody and if we could swap and me have the flu and you go into the world to do your good, I would.... Chicken soup. Movies. Friends to fuss over you. That's what I hope you have. Be gentle with yourself. I'll be waiting for the next post telling us you're better.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there ... this, too, shall pass, honest!

Now, if someone could just come up with a cure for the flu, they could make a MINT!

Janet said...

When you feel too bad to knit you know you've got it bad.

Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

Unknown said...

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Talk with you soon.
Bethany Staffieri

Brewgal said...

Fluids, rest and more rest. Feel better soon!

Deacon Barry said...

I missed out on the flu jab too, but so far I've not had anything. Whatever you do, don't rush back to the office until you've fully recovered. Oh and what Brewgal said... but add in some chocolate.

DrWes said...

Phenobarb works as good as lead (bullets, that is). ;)

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Of course they also used to turn horses into glue.

I'm glad they figured out what was wrong with you.

Take care of yourself and consider yourself hugged.

Anonymous said...

ugh!! sorry to hear that, hope you mend quickly.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon and take enough time to recover properly before you go back to work. Hannah

Mother Jones RN said...

Oh Honey:

I hope you're feeling better soon:-(

poody said...

Poor thing make sure to get up and walk so as not to give yourself pneumonia. I did that once nurses are so stubborn and the worst pats for sure. Sounds like you need some hot sauce(vit C) and chocolate too! Not to mention some magazines and your pillows fluffed! (((HUGS))) I would so be doing this for you if I was closer!

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

Big hugs to ya lady!! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Get better soon - I can't relate though - I've never had the flu - I think I must be immune )knocking on wood)

Anonymous said...

I have been getting the flu shot for several years now - actually since I became a grandparent I have been better about it!
But last January ('06) the worst thing that could ever happen, happened. I got sick while hubby was out of town...all one to whine to...and then it got worse...he came home sick. And then we were sick with the flu together!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two grownups whining and lolling around like babies cause we didnt have anyone to wait on us or listen to us cause we both felt so rotten!!!!
Lots of sympathy and long distance hugs (I dont want to get sick like that again!!)